Headphet, Foreign Affairs, USWP Endorsement and More...

Day 1,170, 21:34 Published in USA Albania by KOSOVA Batoa

So I heard you were wondering...

Let me state clearly and unequivocally that I support our position in the PanAm alliance and am committed to the agreements made therein. We pledged to “defend other members in their time of need” and will do so. eAmerica does and will always stand by her allies, new and old. As with every new relationship, trust and friendship takes some time and mutual experience working together to build the proper foundation. I see this is already happening, but we shouldn’t expect more than is appropriate while this process is occurring. Right now I see PanAm as the way it was first presented to myself in eCongress as a defensive alliance allowing us to “grow both economically and militarily as we seek a new chapter in each of our nations histories.” Where it goes from here is to be determined as our friendships build and trust grows. I see enormous potential and am very keen on continuing to explore some additional members that have been invited.

Which brings us to the next related topic demanding our attention, eSpain. eAmerica and eSpain have been allies for a long time, our militaries have a good relationship with much background to reinforce it. However, certain actions recently taken by eSpain such as the proposal to declare us natural enemies, the war with fellow PanAm member Brozil which we would like to see peace in and their decision to MPP eHungary warrant valid, serious concerns. Our allies and ourselves are very interested in seeing which direction eSpain takes in the near future, we will be watching closely and communicating with new leadership hoping this trend does not continue.

To go back and mention a few names that I would like to see in PanAm. eCroatia, super-bros, I’d eMarry you if I could. You’ve always been there for us and we remain committed to doing the same. Love you guys, eRomania as well, We’ve fought side by side in many battles and will continue to do so in the future. eChina has been a great, much appreciated ally and is a relationship I look forward to continuing to build even stronger.

I feel confident we can clear up and move beyond what seems to be a serious miscommunication and misunderstanding regarding our intentions and method of failing into Europe. I would still like to see peace between eGreece and eTurkey if possible, the choice is theirs of course, but we will do what we can to encourage it.

To repeat my answer to a question in the recent USWP debate in regards to continuing the push into Europe. We have the resources we need, we should be concerned about keeping them and building reserves, at the same time everyone likes a bit of fun. Obviously you cannot predict the future, many things could happen. eRepublik revolves around warfare now, promoting activity levels, participation and game enjoyment for many means some sort of battle. Be it a training war or taking another stab at reaching Europe, we have some ideas, but will of course not be making them public now.

I would also like to express what an honor it is to have received the United States Workers Party endorsement. Not only the top party in the eUS, but recently the top party in the eWorld by membership (at current check only down by about 10 members, think you can fix that?) your support and backing is greatly appreciated and accepted with humility. I would also like to express respect for my incumbent USWP primary opponent Haliman and thank him for the service he’s done as POTUS this term.

My running mate will be announced tomorrow allowing them time to settle some affairs in the appropriate manner by request. I finally managed to twist Speedcat McNasty’s arm into acting as my Chief of Staff after being denied previously, Inwegen has graciously agreed to stay on board working with him as Deputy CoS and as an adviser. Additionally I am very honored by ex-POTUS Alexander Hamilton's acceptance as Minister of Foreign Affairs, his experience, contacts within the international community and ability needs no explanation and provides me with even more confidence moving forward. More cabinet information to follow.

Again, I thank you for your consideration and am honored by the support of the USWP and those that have agreed or shown interest in working in our new cabinet.

Respectfully and at your service,
Julian Mizu

If you'd like to help out with the campaign or have any questions drop by #Mizu4CP or just slap on the avatar below.

Its a good time to inform you that I am a headphet...since we are getting know each other better. If you should choose to send pics, pls be wearing headphones.