Happy Easter---Have We Really Risen?

Day 1,601, 10:20 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5
Happy Easter Everyone!!! 😃

This Easter we have a lot to celebrate: The CvP has risen back into the top 10 (Now at #9) and soon we will be in the #8 spot, I will be mentioning some ideas for my second term as I campaign for party president once again, and in some national news, in the spirit of forgiveness, President Artela has decided to agree to peace with Spain.

Now before I go on to talk about new plans for the CvP, I want to mention that we would not be the party that we are if we didn’t help new players. We seek to keep players engaged and help them as they venture out into the game, giving them a voice in the process. One of our members, t0b1, wrote about this very subject. In the process of giving our members voice, we as a party must formulate opinions. The following is my opinion, however I know many more, especially in the party, will agree.

I’m not sure if many people will agree with me, and I want to make it clear that I still respect Artela either way, but it has become even clearer that this peace with Spain has the real potential to be devastating to not only the eUS but to our allies in Europe. We as a nation needed that Natural Enemy bonus and the RW’s: It was important to our military, our economy, and the players as a whole. Secondly, the peace agreement largely gives in to ONE as we will only have two regions of land to claim as our own in the end. ONE will now be able to concentrate on hitting our allies in Europe and we will not be able to do anything about it. So essentially we allow ONE to win and throw our Allies under the bus: “Happy Easter, guys 😉 “ And the worst part about all of it is that no one in the government has really publicly made the effort to play devil’s advocate to these previous administrations' peace agreement. Everyone is just publicly going along with it.

I am very disappointed along with many others I know. It is true that decisions must be made but sadly it seems like eAmerica has gone down the road of abandoning our allies, but that does not mean it can’t be corrected.

One way I hope to aid the national situation is by continuing to succeed at the job given to me by my party 😉 The one-and-only, Conservative Party. As always, we are still growing and staying active. We continually meet in IRC and our website, cvpamerica.co.cc is still being put to good use. It is only a matter of time before we are back in the top 5. Since the 15th is quickly approaching, however, I want to outline some ideas I have that I hope to implement in my second term that will not only give us more structure, but also keep our members entertained and active.

My first suggestion is to hold a 30 minute CvP Talk show. I would not mind hosting a show, so long as I have a willing cohost. It would keep our members entertained, active, and it would allow us to outreach even more to players in need of assistance or information. If I am re-elected and there are enough of our members who agree that they will at least participate by listening or calling in, then I will hold such a show in my second term.

My second suggestion is to create party offices. Back when the old original CvP was around we used to have party offices with specific jobs allocated to the officers. A lot of people thought it was a largely unnecessary way of giving people fancy titles to make them feel better, but I think it helped quite well at keeping the party organized. Right now everybody in the CvP is chipping in quite well, as everyone is dedicating a little of everything to our cause. Even though I fear creating party offices such as VP, secretary, treasurer, and party affairs could make others feel left out, my hope of proposing this idea is that it will help to centralize responsibilities, giving us greater organization. Everyone will still have a major part to play in making our party great.

Granted these are both just ideas that I have 😉 Of course our party still needs to follow the goals we previously set out to accomplish if we are to continue growing. I hope that I can count on your support and vote in the upcoming party president election. We’ve come so far, I hope to continue what we’ve already accomplished. I want to wish my opponents, RobbieClark, Stephen Roric, CaesarAugusta5, Amelia Mary E, and thatcoolguy45 the best of luck in the upcoming race; A tough party race doesn’t divide us, it prepares us.

As I end this article I again encourage you all to pm me in game 😉 I want to stay in touch with everyone. Let me know how you are doing. If you are interested in recruiting or being a part of the proposed Talk show let me know. As things will probably continue to escalate nationally and we continue to grow as a party, remember it is the person behind the keyboard who counts most.

Happy Easter!!! And,
God Bless America,