GGRyan - Economics And Domestics!

Day 744, 09:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GGRyan

Hello there! So your interested in what this candidate has to offer? Awesome; lets get to it!

Before I start, I need a great Cabinet. Love me, hate me or anything in between, apply anyway!

Cabinet Apps

The economic problems of market over-crowding, and price drops are indeed global. For this reason, international co-operation is a must! Within whatever direction we take in terms of alliances (i'll come to that), we should be looking to share ideas and solutions to problems through international economic meets. Schemes and treaties would be encouraged, if the great economic minds we have agreed it was best.

On the part of wartime economy; this will be down to tak monitors to research the best wartime economies, such as Hungary, who has a very good policy, with others and draw up the best possibility for us.

CoE, MoT and MoW

All need to be utilised fully (obvious, I know). First, the MoW. Like before mentioned, this can serve a few purposes. First, it should be one of the Welcoming Committee's port of call to PM; advise, bring to the forums, recruit for the military. Also, this is really obvious, it needs to continue its vital skill 0 jobs; however, a new scheme I would bring in would be to reward private companies which give skill 0 jobs at well run companies.

Rewards for private companies helping new players would be as follows (monitored by the MoT). Companies would have to sign up to be part of the scheme.

- Gold Rewards; maybe, 12 GBP per player they take in at skill 0 (after 5 days)
- Priority for MoT loans (more on that)
- Recognition and Government reccomendation to employees - there will be a bit of expansion on this

I would also like the MoW to be more strict when it comes too company placement. The MoT should be monitoring which industries are best paying not only in our country but in allied countries, and then feeding this back to the MoW, the MoW will prioritise the relevant companies. For example, if Land is best paying generally in our country and allied countries; Royal Grain will take on more workers than any other.

We would keep Royal Grain and Royal Petroleum but shut down Royal Timber; also will keep both Royal Food, as well as Royal Housing, ofc.

People will be dropped from these companies as soon as they hit skill 2 - 3, so this needs monitoring very strictly.

The MoT will be maintained, as I feel it could be better used. It will once more offer loans; a maximum budget of 150-200G, with a full business purpose explained and enforced by contract - this will only be for buying market lisences and upgrading companies. The final descion wether to loan or not will be left with the MoT. Therefore, if a company is found out to have used the Gold for a purpose it hasnt stated, the reprecussions will be harsh. It must be payed back within a month and a half.

Also, the MoT will be monitoring wages as I said before, and it will be offering business advice and throwing a guide or two out. Other than that, I'll leave the projects with them.

The CoE will hopefully be one of the greatest financial minds. The main aim will be too continue creating a stable economy and making money with the MM traders; other than that, its in the hands of the CoE.

But the Treasury also gets my biggest idea from the Economics section...

A National Bank
From the BoE, we will create a national bank; this will offer loans initially, similar to the major world banks, but a trusted national source. Everything will be enforced with heavy contracts; penalties will be extremely harsh. No single loan may go over 40G, and explanations must be put forward for the loan, to be reviewed by the CoE and their team. For business ventures we should only cover a maximum of 50% of the venture. A maximum budget of 500G.

Fair Military Spending
Paras should never have to without at least Q1 weapons. Never. They should fight daily with at least 5 Q1 weapons. Everyone else should fight daily with at least 3 Q1 weapons. Even if there isnt a real battle, there should be at least 4 practice strikes a week. Better stop there, going into military! 😮

So yes, everyone should have weapons as much as possible.

One more foray into the MoT/Treasury...
I would like a dedicated team of 2 or 3 to be there to monitor taxes, ensure they are at the most effective rates and to especially monitor the before and after if any changes are made. There will only be calcualted careful changes in taxes; we need a stable economy to build upon for a better country.

I nearly forgot...
I would aim to build up an official workers union. Anyone and everyone should be in it, and members will be encouraed to work for certain companies, to demand the salary they deserve and to get a good relationship with employers. I saw this idea from DamianJacob... and its great but would only work if supported by the Government, becuase it simply cant get the nessecary membership to demand respect without official backing. I would aim for a good 300 members by the end of the month.

Home Affairs

Its all about the people...
What annoys people and congressmen alike right now is that it seems every message we get from the Government is impossible to understand; under my government, this goes.

I will bring back Prime Ministers Questions, one time for public and one time for congress. Its a greeat way of sayin what you have to say and not being accused of hiding facts, so I will definitely push this through. I will also release a weekly article with Ministerial Updates, where each ministry will give an update on how things are going, what good things and bad things are there, and why. Also, it will have any changes to be made and it will be the oppurtunity for Ministers to air some feelings of anything important to them. This is nessecary becuase if any Ministry isnt working, they can say here and we can get it working. Also, any promises ministers make will be accounted for; theres no escaping if you dont do it!

Possibly my biggest change would be to introduce public referendums. This would be for only the biggest votes around, and would be very strictly watched. Initially, it wouldnt account for much of the vote in big ideas, but if succesful will take on a bigger role.

It would work like this. For a big vote, like HoL abolishment, or talks on a merge/alliance, the public will be provided with a PD thread with arguements for each side, and then the oppurtunity to vote in a HoC style. Only UK citizens votes will count, and the result of the vote will count for 5 votes in congress, whichever way it goes.

Recognising good work is important to me. Therefore, with each Ministerial Update I will have space for recognising work which has helped the eUK. If a congressman came up with a particularly good idea, or an Ambassador helped a scheme, or a member of the public has done something great; it will be celebrated in front of everyone.

Ministry of Legislative Affairs
Should continue its good work, which isnt too much right now. However, roles I would add to the MoLA are;
- Someone to run the Party President Meeting Room. It needs to be there, so Parties have a special place to do their party politics. The rest of it should be unity. Here we can discuss schemes parties can run together and support from the Government.
- The Honours Committee will run from here; this gives out awards for services to the eUK and I support that.

Talk of babybooms
Look. As much as we need one, and as much as I will encourage and look into ways of making them happen; I cannot promise one as others have done before me, becuase I dont want to promise what hasnt yet been achieved. We will pursue this however, and I will ask for a larger team in the MoHA dedicated to a babyboom.

Ministry of Home Affairs
It already has a lot on its plate and will continue under my government!
- The Wiki team right now are great, I intend to leave that as it is and get more people to look at the Wiki!
- The Media team has been a bit quiet this term, but they are awesome. They will continue to publish guides be it old or new, and we will aim to have a system in place of a top5 article at least every 3 days; a guide, or information about the eWorld. When I started, I thought PEACE was a notion; not an alliance, and so this is the sort of thing for Media to work on; having young 'uns informed. Oh, and the NNA = Win!
- Welcoming Committee will continue rigourous PM's, and we will stick some ads up to help them out.
- The Entertainment team will continue the eUK lotto which is doing great; I intend for the lotto to fund itself, so any spare funds from it may go to prizes like houses for other competitions. Fryday is great and we neeed to keep doing it, aswell as keeping people involved in all other stuff; the guys are creative and I can expect we make some great fun and games.
- It will have a dedicated babyboom team, replacing the ads. The babyboom team will have one - two weeks researching methods, and then the whole country should work to push it through!

Regional Councils
Regional Councils will be encouraged to work hard, and if they can show promise and ideas, I am willing to allow small grants to help them out (say, 10G?)

Contracts and Orgs
We have to be strict now. Even the most trusted personnel must sign a contract before having access to any eUK org; we will also ensure a directory of eUK orgs. The MoD will be held responsible for military orgs, the MoHA responsible for those orgs and CoE responsible for economic orgs. These will then submit lists of all orgs to the CP, who will then pass this on to the next. This should be maintained so we can account for everything at least weekly.

Finally, I really like the idea of a Social War Aims Committee, which Woldy put forward and I will implement this also.

Quite long, huh? Well, i'm running and you need to know exactly what your vote gets. Why shouldnt I put anything and everything? Military/Foreign Affairs is coming tommorow, but i'd love PM's and comments about this article and any ideas you like and dont!

