Future Days of Liberation

Day 1,334, 02:45 Published in India India by BroodRoosterNL

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Are you a new player? Don't you have any Gold to spend on a newspaper? Are you an eIndian citizen willing to start up an active newspaper? Then you should message me and I will help you with the funds and advice that you need to start up your very own news agency! (9/10 left)

What we long expected has happened, though slower than we thought. Under a green flag, Serbia managed to conquer our lands and there's no other way than accepting it because they are simply far greater in numbers than we are.

But that does not mean that we will now live without a country, because our forums are still there and our IRC is working perfectly fine. This means that our lands currently may be gone, but our community is still intact and with that being said, it cannot be long before we begin to reclaim our lands and fight the oppressors. Serbia will not be interested in fighting against our resistances for some weak ally for ages so one day they will leave and when that happens we will strike back twice as hard. We will get our allies to help us and we will gather funds to buy our weapons and arm ourselves.

Maybe it'll be a few days before the first resistances pop up, maybe one will start in an hour. Our enemy does not know when we will strike and we must use that weakness and exploit it. We will coordinate our attacks and regain our regions one by one and even though our enemy might think they can stop us, they are absolutely wrong. None has ever stopped eIndia from being free and none will ever do so in the future, including our current oppressor.

So eIndians, I ask all of you not to worry about the fact that we currently have no regions. No! I ask you to worry about the fact that our days of liberation will come and to ask yourself if you'll be there on that day!? Will you be a part of the forces that liberate our country, or will you sit in your houses, terrified for some foreign oppressor? I think we both know the answer because I know that your eIndian heart speeds up at the thought of beating our enemy and regaining our land! And for that reason, I ask you to join the Azad Hind Fauj who will not sit still and wait. AHF will be there on the day, during the hour, from the first minute, when eIndia will be liberated and we will regain our first region!

Join AHF and we will fight together to beat the Pakistani sheep in wolfsclothing. Because they may act like they are strong, it may have looked like they have conquered us, but they haven't! They have conquered an illusion with the help of strong allies. They have conquered an idea, the idea that India can be conquered. And now its up to us to prove them wrong and show them the result of our illusionist trick! Join AHF and we will slaugther them together!

Jai Hind!

Member of Azad Hind Fauj