Four-King Updates

Day 1,691, 02:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

What-ho subjects.

I have decided to give you four short updates on the Monarchy because you know, it’s been a while and people want titles. I was originally going to have only three updates, but I realised that if I could come up with a fourth I could give my article a funny title so I squeezed out another one for your enjoyment.


Your King loves each and every one of you. You know that. As such, it is not chauvinistic (but fair) to run a new game show, ‘The Royal Bachelor’ where ten lovely ladies compete to be this years Mrs Woldy. A series of questions and interviews will determine which wench is to be betrothed to the King, and the only precondition is that you participate in the Game of Thrones Game, so that we can make it interesting by throwing a marriage into the mix.

So far three people have already applied for a lifetime of regal servitude, what are you waiting for! Simply message me with your name and national insurance number, and a brief explanation as to why you should be Queen and you will be included in the contest. And let’s face it, everyone wants to marry a Lannister.

Note: Because this is the internet I don’t care if you have testacles, apply anyway and just say you’re a women.

Note: You don’t even have to say it just apply anyway.


Woldean Royal Welcomes have now welcomed over One Hundred people, distributing over 10,000 GBP, over 1000 Q5 food, and over 9000 handy bits of advice to new needy players. To commemorate this, I am happy to announce that the Welcome Package is henceforth increased to 20 Q5 food and 150 GBP for each new player, and a mentoring service provided by HRH me. Not only that, but a food lottery is in the works for all those who apply.You shall be kept posted on any advancements in the areas of royal welcomings.

As WRW’s are somewhat costly, we do however seek some small donations from benevolent souls to lessen the financial strain slightly, if you want to help out find me here in-game or on IRC, or simply donate, and your help is much appreciated and will be rewarded with glorious titles.


Glorious titles; For those of you who don’t know, one of the best bits of being the King is that it’s my role to hand out titles and land claims like they were sausages. What does this mean? Does it get you power and influence? Money, or hookers? A title certainly makes it easier to get one of those things, but mainly it’s for a bit of fun.

That isn’t to say that it means absolutely nothing, the Aristo’s I appoint are often people who help out the Monarchy with games, cash, narcotics, articles, involvement with this or that and generally just being useful and/or entertaining for the eUK and its community. The official list of who's in and who's out is maintained in our forum, here.

(The list hasn’t quite been refilled after our last annual fund-raising purge)

There are however some new additions, including:
Bowler Hat Harry, Hand of the King
John Steed, Count of Monte Cristo
Niemand, Lady of the Lake
Ergo Deus, Lord E. Lordi


In order to get an idea on how we can help with retention, I conducted a short interview with a very new player, John Steed, who contacted me in true royalist style saying hello and God save the King and all that kinda stuff that I love to hear. This is how it went down:

When did you first sign up to eRepublik?
June 23, 2012.

and what was your first impression of the game?
My first impression of it was it looked easy to use and to navigate.

Do you remember how long it took you to find the forums or be contacted by a citizen offering assistance?
2 days to find the forums and same day I joined within a few hours I got help.

What enticed you onto the forums? And when did you first learn of the Monarchy?
Well I was asked to join the forums by your majesty and I learn about the Monarchy through the eRepublik wiki.

Did you find it easy to find out about welcome packages such as the Woldean Young Achievers scheme?

Lastly, if there was a civil revolt and the uncultured masses aimed to overthrow the King in favour of an idealistic utopian society, who would you fight for?
I’d fight for my King. (Good Answer)

Perhaps the case of Lord Steed highlights the usefulness of the wiki and illustrates how easy it is to find help on the forums. As eUK’ers, our job needs to be to entice people to the forums by whatever means possible and to reach out to those citizens not on the forums. The Monarchy has assisted in this role, but it remains a big task for the MoHA. Perhaps the ‘roleplay’ aspect of the Monarchy offers more appeal and more fun, as John I’m sure will testify too. We can therefore claim that the Monarchy is doing a bang-up job of drawing people in and giving them some light entertainment.

Here’s to another two years! 8D

Thanks for Reading,
HRH King Woldy I,


To apply for the ‘Woldy’s Young Achievers’ Scheme, simply pop your name in this thread on our external forums: