Federalist Newsletter, d. 696

Day 696, 16:08 Published in USA USA by Federalist Party
Federalist Party Members,

Party President Election Results

Many parties' elections included more drama and suspense than the Federalist Party PP election. The smooth election and measured campaign was a testament to the Federalist Party's strength and unity. Please see the article by Federalist Political Director, CrashNBurn for more information about the election.

Federalist Training Division Promotional Campaign
Following a rocky start, the Federalist Training Division is back in operation and accepting recruits. Anyone who has been keeping up with the Federalist Newsletters the past few days is already aware of the FTD, but there is still a shortage of recruits. The Federalist Party is sponsoring an advertising campaign for the Federalist Training Division that will target new players in high population regions and regions important to the Federalist Party's congressional strategy.

The Federalist Party PR Department in cooperation with the Federalist Party Media Department is asking any interested Federalist Party member to collaborate with the respective Department Directors to produce an appropriate series of advertisements and articles for this promotion. The advertisements, run at party expense, will drive traffic to the member newspaper and should reserve characters to credit the advertisement's designer. Please see this forum thread on the Federalist Party PR Department board and the linked thread on the Media and Marketing board for more information.

Congressional Applications
Any eUS citizen interested in running for congress with Federalist Party voter support should apply to the thread on the Federalist Party Forums. Applications will be accepted and under constant review by the Federalist Party Congressional Committee until the 18th of October at which time applications will be closed. Candidates will be selected by the Congressional Committee and announced no later than the 20th of October.

Interested Congressional Candidates should have at least four moving tickets, allowing them two to travel to their assigned region to register for the election and return, then two to travel to their assigned region to vote and then return. Market prices are extremely low at this time so all Federalist Party members are encouraged to purchase their items there.

Congressional Blockers
In addition to candidates, the Political Department will require blockers to potentially run in the other 4 parties against our candidates. In order to ensure sufficient blockers are available, each Federalist Outreach Program District Representative should seek 5-6 party members from their districts who are available to serve as blocking candidates.

Blocking candidates should sign this thread so we know who's available. You will need to have at least two moving tickets to register for the election in the state you block in.

Buy Moving Tickets NOW!
All Federalist Party members and FOP staff should purchase moving tickets NOW while prices are low. The Federalist Party recommends that any Federalist Party member planning on running as a blocker or a candidate have at least 4 moving tickets, while voters will need at least 2. Buy extras now to share with friends or to resell at a markup when the election comes around!

Buy tickets now!

Keep an eye out for an article explaining the Federalist Party election strategy in greater detail, or contact your Precinct Captain for more information.

Federalist Training Division
Federalist Training Division courses begin daily. The FTD provides 7-8 days of step by step instruction to bring new players from level 1 newborns to level 6 voters or level 7 party members. Members of the eUS Green Party and the America's Advancement Party have both participated in the FTD course and can attest to the non-partisan value of the information presented. New players will be provided with a Q1 moving ticket and a Q1 weapon free over the course of the training to assist with completing course objectives. Please register on the Federalist Party Forums

Sign up NOW!

Learn how to fight, maggot!

The FTD is also seeking experienced players to serve as FTD Commanding Officers. FTD COs serve as mentors to a class of FTD recruits by checking to ensure that all recruits have completed each day's lesson and distributing FTD materials. To sign up to be an FTD CO, please register on the FTD staffing thread of the Federalist Party Forums.

Federalist Party Jobs
There are LOTS of new party positions opening up. Be sure to get to the forums to find out how you can get more involved! A comprehensive list of jobs is available here.

The Feds want YOU!

You can also PM citizenslave directly for more information or application information on any job.

Federalist Party Grab Bags
The Federalist Party is running another Grab Bags fundraiser. There are 100 bags total, available for 25usd/ea. All bags contain prizes and the grand prize is a Q2 house! See the article from Federalist Media & Marketing before the remaining bags are sold.

Everyone's a winner!

Follow the instructions on the Grab Bags Fund Raiser article from the Federalist M&M Update to purchase a Grab Bag. Prizes will be announced once all bags are sold, so tell your friends!

Federalist Party Mentors
The Federalist Mentors Program is recruiting new mentors. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please apply here.

Anyone can offer a helping hand, be a Fed Party Mentor!

Please coordinate mentoring efforts through the FOP Mentors District to ensure that no new citizens are inadvertently "spammed" by Federalist Party Mentors and to ensure that any new Federalist Party members are placed in a precinct.

FOP Precinct Captains
The Federalist Outreach Program always needs new Precinct Captains.

Precinct Captains are what make the Feds work!

Please read this article for more information about what is involved in becoming a Precinct Captain. Please reply to this thread on the Federalist Party Forums if you are not receiving messages from your Precinct Captain.