eUSA Military at a glance

Day 478, 04:22 Published in USA USA by sukoidha

What am I to say?

I am an officer in the Marines so does that mean that this article will be biased and I will say how we rock and we are great and how we are an ultimate power?

Should I take a risky stance and say that we are in trouble? Or how the president does not give us enough funding sometimes for Q3 weapons. Or blame someone else for any problems which we encounter?

NO, because it is none of the above, The National Guard, Army and the Marine Corps are receiving huge amount applications by the day. We are growing at an exponential pace which I am very proud of, but this has also placed a greater stress on the military and some things need to get sorted out such as expansion of companies and platoons. Uncle Sams military opinions is that we have to grow in strength and rank to become a huge military power in the future and with his current term in office I would say that he is a success, there are more people fighting, training and gaining rank every day.

If you paid attention to the average strength of the eUSA you will see that it is now 3.00, where as before I am sure I recall it being at around the 2.86 region. Which is a massive improvement in terms of overall strength and I tip my hat to him. Although some people are giving him a hard time look at what he has achieved in his 2 terms as president from a military point of view and you will begin to understand the huge impact which he has made to the eWorld.

By organising and quipping the military we have been able to free eIsrael and eGreece from the months of repression from Turkey, we have been helping our ATLANTIS comrades by flying over to their countries and fighting with them, we have started wars in Mexico to take the edge off the Romanian battles so they can have some breathing space, I know some of the general public do not realize the tactical importance of this but I can assure you that it makes a big difference.
Some of you may argue, yes but have been getting our asses kicked by Indonesia and Portugal and basically the PEACE countries,

But look at their average strength:

France – 3.56
Indonesia – 3.70
Iran – 3.55
Italy – 3.61
Portugal - 3.71

Do you start to see a pattern here?
Yes they all have a have a higher average strength then the eUSA and bare in mind that before we used to have an average strength of about 2.86, when you think of it in terms of that you will see massive difference that Uncle Sam has made to the Military.
He said that he will try to take us to become a huge military power in the future and from what I can see that is already being accomplished.

Another reason for war is for wellness, believe it or not, when you are at war you are able to use the hospital once a day when you fight. Yet I still have people in my companies, “work companies”, mind you, that are 50 wellness or below. I simply do not understand the reason for this, if you are a new person who has joined eRepublik then welcome it is great to see you here, but some of you do not seem to understand the importance that wellness has on you.

All you have to do is fight once, even if it is bare-handed and then use the hospital in the region which you are living in and bam, you have increased you wellness by 10xQ? Of the hospital, so if you live in a Q1 hospital region you get 10 wellness(but you also lose 10 wellness if you fight so if you live in a Q1 region, move to a higher Q? region so that you can get the most from your region), if it’s Q2 then 20 wellness and so forth. At this moment there should be no reason for a citizen to be under 60/70 wellness because you start with like 40 or 50 wellness don’t you? I can’t remember to be honest I am too old.

With concerns to the ATLANTIS situations which have been arising from the newspapers in America. I can only say, watch what you say because you can be guaranteed that there is some under-laying story which you do not know about and if you knew the full picture it might change your view. Even I do not know the ins and outs of ATLANTIS, I am not that highly ranked yet in the military, I am merely a Colonel of a whole company, which is the third highest ranked officer in the Marine Corps, if I was ranked any higher I would be in charge of the whole Marine Corps. So what chance does a normal citizen have of analysing and comprehending the situations of ATLANTIS if they do not know anything about it?

I mean sure it’s an alliance, but apart from that, what else could you tell me? Which countries are in the alliance? Yes sure that’s easy; just check who we have an MPP with. Anything else? No I didn’t think so.

So when people started making articles about how Sam has bowed down and gave in to ATLANTIS, I kept my mouth shut and waited for an article from Uncle Sam because I knew that he would have explained the situation, Now everyone who were shouting for Sams head on a plate and asking for impeachment, have their head buried in the sand now. So if someone the benefit of the doubt before you start to go and start shouting hell to high waters or something to that effect. I honestly hope that he remains president for as long as possible.

Also just recently in the congress chat room, it seems that someone wanted to disband all forms of military, and I mean everything and just let the country become a free to fight when you want country, but what would that achieve? Turn it into a mercenary country? Would it give people more choice? No one is forced to join the military it is a completely voluntary thing if you choose to do so.

Our Marines are some of the strongest most dedicated fighters to have ever graced eRepublik and I am proud to be one of them, it would be a very sad day if something was to happen to our military after all the work we have implemented to get to the state at which it is at the moment.

I will leave you with some famous Marine quotes/sayings which I think says who we are:

There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and the enemy. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion.
Gen. William Thornson, U.S. Army

I come in peace, I didn't bring artillery. But I am pleading with you with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I'll kill you all.
Marine General James Mattis, to Iraqi tribal leaders

Marines I see as two breeds, Rottweilers or Dobermans, because Marines come in two varieties, big and mean, or skinny and mean. They're aggressive on the attack and tenacious on defense. They've got really short hair and they always go for the throat.
RAdm. "Jay" R. Stark, USN; 10 November 1995

The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!
Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945

The wonderful love of a beautiful maid,
The love of a staunch true man,
The love of a baby, unafraid,
Have existed since time began.

But the greatest of loves, The quintessence of loves.
even greater than that of a mother,
Is the tender, passionate, infinite love,
of one drunken Marine for another.
"Semper Fidelis"

Colonel of Alpha Company