European Countries Wage War For Resources

Day 949, 09:47 Published in Israel Israel by Jewyoyo
War Wages in North America and United Kingdom

The past couple of days have seen the eWorld's attention turn to Britain and North America as major EDEN (Erepublik Defense and Economy Network) powers Poland and Spain seek to establish resource colonies and, in Poland's case, a path to iron-rich East Asia. So far the fighting has taken place exclusively in Mexico and the UK, however with two more war declarations already passed and Poland poising itself to enter North America, this is likely to change. This growing conflict is also notable for not being clearcut EDEN vs. Phoenix: Entente, Latin American Alliance (ALA), and Brolliance countries are playing a major role in this conflict. Read on for detailed information and insight into each front! And don't forget to vote and subscribe!

British Isles and Ireland

Great Britain, with Ireland on the left and the Netherlands and Belgium to the right. Pink😛oland, Dark Blue=United Kingdom, Light Blue=United States, Maroon=Netherlands, Yellow=Ireland.

The island of Great Britain (sovereign territory of the U.K.) is occupied not by two, but three other countries. How did the United Kingdom get into this unfortunate situation? The Netherlands's presence on the island does not represent a hostile action against the U.K., in fact the opposite is true. The Netherlands were Given UK territories in an effort to shield Britain from the Polish attack and any potential occupation. As one can see from the map, this strategy did not quite pan out: the United States occupies the South West of England (brings back memories) while Poland holds the North West of England and even more importantly Scotland (one of the three constituent kingdoms of the UK). What makes Scotland so important? It is the British bridge to North America, bordering with the Canadian region of Newfoundland and Labrador. Older players will well remember how U.K. swapping Scotland to Hungary ultimately resulted in the United States of America being reduced to the State of Florida. From Scotland Poland has also attacked British-owned North Ireland. However with a wall over 1.5 million it looks as if the Polish advance might be halted.

One island, two war declarations.

As if fighting the United States and Poland wasn't enough, the United Kingdom has also declared war on her neighbor Ireland. Why? It may be strategical but there's a better chance its due to the mutual animosity (to put it lightly) that exists between the island nations. Plus it would allow the U.K. to throw a wrench in the works of Ireland's colonial aspirations. Ireland's colonial aspirations!? That's right. It seems like everyone is having them these days. Ireland, not one to be left out, has made a
war declaration of her own: against fellow Brolliance member Canada. Don't be alarmed at Ireland's apparent betrayal: the goal here is not conquest but colonization. Ireland has already begun her way into North America with an attack on Newfoundland and Labrador.

The latest article by United States president Chocolate McSkittles puts these bizarre military maneuvers in context. What is Poland really doing in Scotland? The answer: "Poland, for the immediate future, is entering the Americas due to an arrangement to rent duplicate high resource regions from the eUS." What is Ireland doing in Newfoundland? The answer: "Ireland will also be able to rent a region, and they're pretty great..." The US president concluded his statement with this: "I cannot emphasize this enough: The success of this mission is relevant to American interests."

It's yet to be seen just how important the mission is to the United States, because with a 1.5 million wall in North Ireland and the UK having already declared war on her island neighbor, it's not going to be an easy one.


Three nations occupy Mexico: Venezuela (Pink), Spain (Maroon), and Italy (Dark Blue). The United States is a purplish color.

Mexico asked Venezuela to take over the majority of Mexican national territory to help stop a PTO; Spain and Italy however are uninvited guests. Spain had taken advantage of Mexico's weakness and conquered much of the Mexican territory on the Gulf of Mexico, securing Spain two high oil regions. Yet in a surprise move less than an hour ago, Spain let Italy land swap across Spain and into Mexico, taking all the Spanish regions there except one. The goal here seems to have been for Spain and Italy to share the wealth, seeing as both countries now have a high oil region belonging to Mexico. Spain and Italy aren't exactly known as allies, making this a confusing move. Even the daily orders of the American military called the Italian attack on the Spanish Balearic Islands (the first move in the landswap) a 'blocking attack'.


The next few days may see Ireland, Poland, Spain, and Italy establish colonies on high resource regions of North America. Or it may see the repercussions against Ireland and Poland on their own home territories with Ireland facing a much bigger nation and Poland being up against 11 strong MPP's. Only time will tell.

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The Jewish Press
Beersheba South District
Day 949