eSerbia liberating Asia just like eUSA

Day 823, 06:15 Published in Japan Serbia by Mladen987

Hi eJapan !

Greetings from eSerbia !

Citizens of Japan, I am writing this article with sincere respect to your country.

But one man who was really disappointed me, and brought uncertainty to mine belief that eJapan still makes only honorable decision, forced me to write this article.

We all remember Dokomo and his treacherous article.

When I read comments, half eworld attack him, and half defend him, and give him support for treacherous act. But I saw that some citizens of eJapan distances itself from his decision.

To remind you that he believed that eAmerica would liberate Asia.

This picture tell us everything

Is this that FREEDOM for Asia ??

I'm just wondering:
Do you think it was honorable act to let them move through your homeland, or think you're used by eUSA?

In Serbia we have a funny motto that says how we are strong: Serbia to Tokyo (on Serbian: SRBIJA DO TOKIJA !).

I hope it was just a betrayal of your president, not the entire nation that we consider friendly. I want to emphasize that we are now close to Tokyo, and hope that such issues will never come more from the country known for its honor and Samurai.

And one message for Dokomo:


Number of readers from other countries:

Proud Serb and proud eSerb Младен.