eRepublik Politics

Day 1,622, 19:14 Published in Switzerland Slovenia by JHUNTER

Hello, I am JHUNTER, the current Minister of Education in Switzerland. Please feel free to PM me for article suggestions and questions. Thanks!


One of the main ways to make eRepublik an enjoyable experience is to get involved in your country's politics. I was fortunate enough to get elected to congress early on in my eRepublik life, and it made the game much more enjoyable for me.
The government is structured relatively similar to that of many real life countries. There is a President and a Congress. These are voted in by the public. The President is allowed to set up a Cabinet, holding positions such as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Defense, Minister of Health, etc. Political parties also play a big role in government. Each party elects a party president once a month. Parties decide who they would like to endorse for Country President, whether from their party or endorsing a different party's candidate.


There are 3 days each months in which elections are held.
Country President--- 5th of each month
Party President (and MU Captains)--- 15t of every month
Congress--- 25th of each month

On election days, when you first log in you should see a logo like this at the top of your homepage.
Here is a link to a page that shows you in detail how to vote. Consult it or message me for further questions on voting.

Swiss Politics

For a long time the Swiss have tried to remain neutral between the two major alliances, ONE and EDEN. However, this was becoming very hard to do, and so we have taken steps to take up a proOne stance. Our Minister of Foreign Affairs explains that further in this article:

True Patriot Medal

The True Patriot medal is a new addition from the admins. You get medals for doing damage for your country. Here is an article that explains it well: