eRepublik Matchmaking

Day 1,966, 19:31 Published in USA China by The Joshua Tree

Greetings again, Citizens of eRepublik.

Earlier today, one of our fellow Citizens Henry Pfieffer Arundel announced his intentions to eMarry one of eRepublik's most elusive eBachelorette's, fingerguns. Here is his first effort at eCourtship.

Now I am no judge of a good match, but after reading through the comments in that article I'd guess that our Mr. Arundel has bitten off a little more than he can chew.

So I have decided to try my hand at eRepublik Matchmaking, and I offer the following as can't-miss-couples.

Match #1, The Fox and The Hound:

Match #2, Zig and Zag

Match #3, Life and Death

Match #4, Jack and Koke(?)

Match #5, Bacon and Eggs

Match #6, Bert and Ernie (You got a problem with that?)

Match #7, Pfeif and Drum (perhaps this will work out better than fg)

Match #8, Harlequin and Pierrot (look it up yourself)

Match #9, Incubus and Succubus

and Match #10, Xerxes and Esther

I wish all of our beautiful couples the best of eLuck.