eIrish Boot Camp Encyclopedia , Instructions, and graduations

Day 1,597, 10:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by Lexone
Written by Lexone and Irasian

eIrish Boot Camp Encyclopedia

Click on the image to go to the relevant article or link.

eIrish Boot Camp Instructions
1. Message Malbekh with Supplies as the title. He will tell you what you have to do to get supplies/ free stuff!
2. Send friend requests to Irasian, Lexone ,and Malbekh.
3. Upload any avatar.
4. Build a climbing center.( go to my places, training, hit + sign, and pick climbing center)
5. Work, train, and fight everyday! Complete all your missions that don't involve referring.
6. Save your gold from leveling to upgrade your town center and to upgrade your first training center.
7. Ask questions! We give you any advice you need.

To graduate you must be either level 25 or the rank of Commander.
The rewards of graduating boot camp are the eligibility to state funded programs such as Goldfish Program, being welcome into the community as an active new player, and an open road to success.
Also free 10k iep! http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/dividends1-2011637/1/20

eIrish Boot Camp Command will be hosting activities such as quiz games, internet scavenger hunts, riddles every few days. We will offer rewards for the winners. We want as many new recruits to participate! Subscribe to this paper and wait for them to come out. If you have added us as friends, you can just check your shouts to see whats up.
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