Eight Long Weeks

Day 960, 09:29 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

It has been eight weeks since I paid the fine of $4000 CAD to The Government of eCanada.

Why is this important?

As you may recall, the terms of my sentence included a ban of 8 weeks from the eCanada IRC Channel (#ecan on the Rizon server) as well as an eight week ban from the eCanada forums (which can now be found at www.ecanada.cc/forums). Eight weeks and three days ago, I paid the fine to The Government of eCanada, just as I was instructe😛

4000 CAD to The Government of eCanada

So when I log into IRC... TemujinBC Can Into #eCan \o/

This is certainly a Good Thing, even though I pretty much hate all of the people who hang out there. 😃

However, there is still one problem that needs fixin'. When I try and log into the eCanada forums...

You have been permanently banned from this board.

Please contact the Board Administrator for more information.

A ban has been issued on your username.

Paging Neoice... Paging Kronos... Paging 1ronman (tee hee hee)... Paging Bueller... anyone... someone... herro?

Fix this nao, pls.

Or I will be forced to bring this issue before the courts and demand restitution. At $4000 CAD per day in punitive damages (due to the excessive trauma and stress I face each day when I attempt to log in) it will cost the administrators of the new eCan forums a great deal of money. I have done my part, now you do yours.

Hugs and Kisses,
