$4000 CAD to The Government of eCanada

Day 902, 20:19 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

The Justices of Canada have pronounced my sentence, and I have abided by their terms. As you all remember, the sentence was as follows:

An indefinite ban from the forums and IRC until TemujinBC has payed a fine of 4000 CAD to the government of eCanada

An additional ban from the forums and IRC of eight weeks, to begin the moment the above fine is payed.

An indefinite ban from position of government trust and power.

I asked which org I was supposed to send the money to, but since the Justices have not responded with clear direction, I have gone ahead and donated the money to The Government of eCanada. Here is the screen cap of my donations log:


Click the above picture to see the full-size image

In eight weeks, I expect to be unbanned from #eCan

In eight weeks, I expect to receive full access to the eCan forums, as any Canadian citizen is allowed (by then I will be a Canadian citizen).

In eight weeks... who knows... a Jacobi/TemujinBC ticket??? \o/

I have done exactly what the Justices have asked me to do.

"...I applaud your ingenuity in the face of overwhelming difficulty..."

Hugs and Kisses,


PS - If you happen to have some extra gold in your account, and you wish it could be growing instead of sitting idle, please consider Addy Lawrence and the Opportunity Fund. There is no finer or more trustworthy investment manager than Addy. I received a return of over 5% on my initial investment. It just makes good sense to invest with Addy Lawrence..