Educating Diplomacy [update]

Day 1,024, 08:57 Published in India India by BroodRoosterNL


I'd like to start with congratulating India for achieving a long term goal, we have finaly removed Serbia from our Pakistan-sided border and that is a great achievement if you ask me. Next to that, I encourage every Indian to fight in the Balochistan Resistance War as Rebels, let's give our Pakistani neighbors the regions they should have and let them reunite their country. On the other hand it's very sad to hear that some US Dioist fans are trying to grab the power in Pakistan, even though Policy might not be the best Indian friend around, he has been working very hard for a free Pakistan and when his goal is finaly within reach it might be stolen from him again, you have my support mate!

Now, on to my main subject..

A New Kind of Education

I'll start like your probably used of me, direct an onto the point. And with that you probably also know that I don't mean to offend anyone, just give my view about something. (like a true Dutchman haha): The diplomacy skill of new people in this country is dropping. If you ask me, the skill of youngsters is not as good as compared to the older players. There are a few things you can blame that on and I'll do that for you, how I see it.

Ofcourse, time is a key factor in this difference of skill. Older players have been in eIndia for far longer. I, for example, have been in eIndia for over 1,5 years now and I've been playing this game for about 2,5 years now. In this time you learn a lot about the game and a lot about discussing and/or foreign diplomacy. I won't deny that this is an important factor, but I don't think it's the most important factor.

This could be a factor too, keeping myself as example, I have seen Beta, V1 and now Rising. This means I've seen about all the changes this game had and I have experienced them all, bad or good. Though I don't think that this should be a real problem since new players would be able to completely focus on Rising and have no trouble with confusing things with V1 or even Beta.

I think this is the main reason why our youngsters have less skill in diplomacy than the older guys. I don't think you can compare what I've been through with what younger players have been through. To make a short list, I've seen India been liberated from Pakistan, I've seen it grow, seen it been occupied by Indonesia, seen it liberated again etc. If you compare that with what we had lately, PTO's, Serbia at our borders, longer back the fuzz with Iran. I think that was less hard compared to before and I think that is the main reason why new guys have less skill in diplomacy.

My solution
A mentor system. Yes, I do know we already have a mentor system, but that system is based on learning the new guys the basics of the game like fighting, buying food and getting a job. What I am talking about is a system that learns players the details of this game, learning them international politics, the war mechanics etc etc.
These categories should be a suggestion, if you have anything to add please comment.
- Diplomacy
- Warfare
- Economics
In this article I'll keep it to my main subject and what I would like / most likely will be a mentor for: Diplomacy. The idea I have is starting an IRC room, where new guys can be directed if they have interest in politics. Not only would there be a mentor there to learn them more details, it would also be a place where newbies can share their experiences and work together on assignments. It won't be a class, not at all, because I'm not interested in doing an IRC room full of people talking, trying to get them silent (if you ever done a real IRC discussion you know it's too much chaos). No the mentoring would be 1 on 1. And the main point of the education would be to learn talking, learn how to talk in this game and find out information by talking to others. Assignments could be easy like: Find out who the president of Moldavia is. But also way deeper like giving a report about the relationship between Venezuela and Mexico, complete with details about the alliance, previous battles, economy size, economic cooperations etc etc.
And the one strict rule I will be handling is: You are not allowed to use the "Stats" pages, all the info you find, like who is the president of Moldavia, will have to be gained through talking on IRC or messaging ingame. Sure you might ask, how do you want to check that? Well I want every student to give me the names of the people they messaged and I will personally message these people. Will that take a lot of time? Yes it probably will. Is it worth it? Yes I think it is. It'll learn our players to contact foreign players, find out more detailed stuff than you can by reading the papers and building a list of contacts in the meanwhile.

This way we could train new guys to be better diplomats, generals or economists and I hope that my fellow eIndians would be so good to start the same thing in subjects mentioned above like Warfare and Economy because 1. I think others are better to teach that rather than me and 2. I probably won't have enough time to do different classes.

Disclaimer (there you go Iseutz)
No it is not a classroom where I tell people what 'n how. It's 1 on 1 mentoring with assignments. The students are allowed to work together but they are not allowed to use the "Stats" pages or anything like that on other websites.

If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to comment ofcourse.
