Educating Diplomacy: the Entrance

Day 1,026, 00:41 Published in India India by BroodRoosterNL


As you could read in my previous article, my plan is to start a mentoring program which will educate our eIndian citizens in the deep, dark secrets of diplomacy.

Today is a beautiful day to get the whole thing up 'n running (to be honest, it is a beautiful day, probably the only one here in Holland for the next couple of weeks..). So I am opening applications now.

First of all I'd like you to read what I offer so you can decide whether you like it or not, please don't apply and trust blindly on me. Yes I am going to try 'n learn you new things but if you already have experience with this game it might be possible that it doesn't turn out what you thought it would be, so please think about it first because I will ask commitment of you.

So what do I offer?
- An IRC room where you can meet me and other students.
- Lessons that will go from easy, moving up to difficult or huge assignments.
- All the knowledge I have about diplomacy.
- Personal help if you need it.
And hopefully more experienced eIndians will start a program like this too in other subjects.

What do I expect of you?
- Dedication, I don't expect you to be on IRC every single day, but if I give you an assignment I expect you to do it and to deliver it on the right date (unless you have a good reason).
- Being serious, ofcourse there's room for jokes, but the lessons are serious, we are talking about the future of this country.

So where to apply? You can apply by sending a message to me. I will not, repeat WILL NOT, consider comments as application. I welcome all of you, but I do want you to PM me.

Hope it'll turn out to be great and I hope I can learn you a lot of things!
