Don't Vote Conservative

Day 467, 11:09 Published in USA USA by Robert Bayer

In his announcement of his candidacy, Desertfalcon, the Conservative candidate for president, attempts to establish his qualifications with the claim that he has "been around the game for almost a year now". In fact, he seems more concerned about his presidential "legacy" will be more than implementing actual policies. He makes only vague references to the fact that his platform will be "similar to last time" but notes that "obviously somethings have changed". Of course, he Desertfalcon doesn't want to spoil the secret about what, in fact, might be different.

Admittedly he does say that he will be releasing a platform and VP pick after the Congressional elections. But the problem with that is that he does this in the same breath as recognizing the fact that "this will be a short campaign season" and "that...means I have to campaign harder in a shorter period of time". One wonders if Desertfalcon is purposefully postponing the release of his platform because it either contains very little in the way of actual proposals or it would be so wildly unpopular that he'd be better off with no one knowing what he stands for at all.

While, to be fair, Desertfalcon did release a statement about what his foreign policy might look like, it doesn't provide a very helpful description of what policies he would implement in the future as president. Instead, all he says, essentially, is that we should proceed with the war in Mexico but leave it independent.

Since this seems to be essentially what Uncle Sam is doing, why bother changing presidents? Desertfalcon provides no new policy ideas, particularly bright insight, or really anything that might be helpful to eAmerica.