~Desertfalcon For President: March 2009~

Day 461, 19:01 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Hello America,

I am here to announce that I will make a serious run for president in the upcoming election. I have not decided on a VP yet however I have narrowed down the list to three or four people and I plan to make my selection after the congressional elections. I will be focusing on the congress elections for most of today and tomorrow however I wanted to get this out today since we have a much shorter campaign season to work with this month.

I have been around the game for almost a year now and I know what works in erepublik. One of the things I pride myself on is my ability to work past party lines within the game, given this is quite easy as long as you don't go basing all your beliefs off of the beliefs of erepublik parties. I have seen nine different presidents run this country, some were successful, some not so much. However there were three things that ultimately defined every president's legacy were how open they were to the public, their leadership ability, and lastly their ability to adapt to change. I posses the qualities to be effective in all of these areas and that is why I should be the next president of this great nation.

I will be running on a platform similar to last time obviously somethings have changed in the past two months so it will be slightly different. One of my main plans though is going to be to resurrect some of the defunct programs that were effective and are still applicable to erepublik such as the big brother and big sisters program. This will be a short campaign season but that just means I have to campaign harder in a shorter period of time. I will be releasing more articles on my views and platforms after the congress elections, including my VP pick.

~March 09~