Disapointed to say the least

Day 1,147, 22:20 Published in Canada Canada by Etemenanki

Well as you are all no doubt aware it has once again happened. A democratically elected country president (Prime Minister) has liquidated everything and walked away with it all. The organizations National Bank of Canada and NBC Vault have had their entire assets taken, transferred out of them using the monetary market, the Austrian currency ATS for specificity.

As your current sitting Minister of Finance it shames me to have to say that I have failed you the eCanadian people. As the Minister of Finance it is my job to protect these funds, to nurture them and when possible to grow them. I started this most recent term with approximately 2800 gold in assets, and it seems that at the end of my current term as Minister of Finance I will be leaving you with nothing.

I have put countless hours into working for the people in this game, the vast bulk of whom I have never met personally or even talked too. I am a consummate forumer but mostly in congress, I also rarely go on IRC so many of you doubtless even know me. I would like to think I am a trustworthy individual, but I would understand if thoughts were different at this point

Some of you will ask why the system we have now exists. I would point to the admins on that one. Because of the Peace Proposal option, enemy countries are capable of demanding a sum of currency from the treasury, effectively removing these funds from our access for approximately 48 hours I believe it is. As such, much more than a couple hundred of gold in the treasury is usually greatly frowned upon as it can greatly harm a country at it’s most dire time of need. Canada, and most of the other countries of the world keep most of their finances in outside organizations, operated by the government, passed on from one administration to another.

I first took command of the two orgs in question in October and have to this point changed the passwords a total of 6 times. I also put e-mail addresses in which were solely known by me, as well as putting myself and the Prime Minister at the time as the “manager” (I have no idea what this actually does). To the best of my knowledge, the only people whom knew the passwords to the organization are myself and Wes Lewis.

Wes has stated that he believes it was some form of hacker. To be blunt, I think he’s full of it. KronosQ has used his vast information of the forums as an admin to bring forth some fairly good evidence to show that this apparent hacker is located at an IP address located right around the same place in Kentucky which Wes has stated before that he resides. The odds of this random hacker being so close to Wes are remote. The odds that this random hacker would be familiar enough with the Rolo situation that happened previously and the Mayhem controversy are infinitesimal. The odds that this random hacker would use the monetary market rather than just transferring the funds somewhere we couldn’t get them are pretty low too.

Wes can claim he was working hard for eCanada, of which I believe he would be truthful in saying. Presuming the various things that have been talked about in congress are true, things were looking to go in a very good direction. Now things have gotten even lower than they were after Rolo stole everything. We the government do not have another organization with 2000 gold in it to miraculously recover this time around.

Even if, and I once again state, I don’t believe it, his account was hacked, Wes has failed us in the most basic regard. He has run away once again from his responsibility. He has effectively informed us today we are on our own. To add insult to injury he apparently found the time today to have an interview with an American in which he quite handedly trashes Canadian citizens as being inactive and prone to talking without action to follow it up:


If you do still believe that Wes was hacked, then I must ask a few questions of you. Firstly, what are the odds that the IP of the hacker was so geographically close to Wes’s actual location? Secondly, if it was a random hacker, how did they know the stuff about Mayhem and Rolo. Thirdly why has Wes been able to recover his account? The “hackers” seem to have done everything right when it comes to eliminating our access too the two organizations; removing e-mail address, changing passwords. So why has Wes been capable of keeping his account? Why would the hacker not have altered his and not allowed him to access his own account? The only reason I can think of is that Wes made this hacker up.

Most people sat around and shook their heads when Rolo committed a likewise crime. I note he still has access to the ecan IRC. I strongly encourage Wes’s access to be permanently removed and banned from IRC, and to throw in Rolo for free. To continue to allow these two to poison this well is ludicrous.

Now I would like to officially tender my resignation as Minister of Finance for the Wes Lewis administration. Wes, you had promise, and you have thrown it all away now. I don’t know why you did it, but nothing short of a miracle will convince me you didn’t do it. I would be willing to accept a position in the next administration (coming in about 14 hours) should they desire me to be a part of it. Should they not, I would also understand that position.

Below you will find links for all of the records which I have kept for you the eCanadian people dating back to October.

October: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AiqJdLt5DugkdEN4OUM3b3AxbEZ1OG5IbkFoWGk2Tmc&hl=en&authkey=CIu2740O
November: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AiqJdLt5DugkdFBJUlFfU2ZIZ0NRZzRELVV2VjM5Z0E&hl=en&authkey=CLK92LwK
December: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AiqJdLt5DugkdFoxNG55eXpEdW4wZWxsdzhyVWVTWEE&hl=en&authkey=CNG4wPcM
January: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AiqJdLt5DugkdERvRU96SUdMaTNPMzdQcjI4NDdKNmc&hl=en&authkey=CPHUOg