Dioism, Erepublik, and You

Day 1,931, 20:50 Published in Pakistan United Kingdom by Dishmcds

I have spent my time here in Pakistan, but now and before I returned to a few of my home nations. I've spent time around the world, but have always returned to the idea of Dioism and the ultimate Erepublik community.

You see, rarely do I write about the state of how things should be done in Erepublik, but it seems it's time to arise from the sands and see how it can be accomplished once again. Let's begin with some background into how it arrived.

Some time ago, nearing 6 years now, a group of people arrived in Erepublik who came for no other reason than to have a kick ass time. There was no reason for personal fame or accomplishment, they all gathered amongst each other and just gave what they needed to the cause. There was no hoarding gold or money. They donated it all to one person. In a little more than three months, they had amassed so much wealth they had the money to attack their mortal enemies, the Swedes (not getting into how the porous Admins had promised a war module they delayed for another four months).

They just did things. They had companies that people worked in, developed the idea of communes, gave their wealth to the army to distribute, and trained up the strongest soldiers in the lands.

This was Dio. This is what Dio stands for, and what he has meant to Pakistan throughout the ages. The only true, unspoiled community that literally couldn't give two rats about the game itself, but merely enjoying themselves while dominating in every aspect. They had a smaller community, but were unquestionably the most influential in the game.

Over time, the true Dioists bored with the Admins version of the "most elaborate Social Strategy Game on the Internet", especially given their pension to remove the Social, not to mention that Strategy from it.

Today, most Erepublikans are nothing more than rats, being led in a maze by the farce of the idea that the Admins are developing a game that everyone can play and be successful at.

In the end, I see only one way around this, though. We beat them at their own game. We reform our community. We donate everything we own to the State, work for each other, train each other up and bond together like no community has since the original Pakistani himself, Abdul Yusef.

This is not about whether you are a native Pakistani in real life. Dioism has nothing to do with your RL nationality or beliefs, or where we are from (which, tbh, is why a large amount of Pakistanis didn't like us the first time). Dioism is about bonding together to beat the ultimate foe (and the Swedes, ofc). One party, one army, one company, one goal.

Tonight, we dine in Hell.

That means Romania, Bucharest to be exact.

Hugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy