Defending Our Islands, Defending Our Honor

Day 752, 19:40 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

Members of the Imperial Sun Party,

1945 to 2009 ... There has been change in Japan

Excerpt from a radio broadcast from ISP Headquarters:
&quot😉ecember 7th, 2009, Day 748 of the New World, is a day that will live in infamy. On this day, the combined armies of the United states and EDEN allies descended on our home island of Kyushu, resulting in one of the greatest battles in the history of eRepublik. After a climactic battle, the flag of our glorious nation still flew over our beloved home islands. More than 10 million points of damage were posted. The dreams I had growing up in Kyoto back in February were finally realized.

His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Japan has even awarded me the Order of the Golden Kite for my actions as Minister of Defense. Members of the Japanese military hit harder than they ever had before, in large part due to the training programs and high quality weapons programs that the ISP congressmen and voters supported.

I have been disappointed by rumors that some Japanese did not do their best in the fight and that some even wished we would lose for politcal reasons. This is a mistake, we must always defend our islands and our honor.

Commodore Perry's famous black ships visited Tokyo bay.

President Jewitt demanded the use of the Kyushu region to further American political aims in East Asia. Unlike the Kyushu Incident of July, this time our congress refused, citing our decision to never again be used as a stepping stone for further aggression. The United States, claiming that they wish to "liberate" East Asia from its occupiers, invaded anyway.

Past US presidents have been more humble in their correspondence:
President Millard Fillmore's Letter to the Emperor of Japan

As many of you know, Japan is not the most powerful nation in the New World. We do not have the strength to help liberate our Asian brothers in China, South Korea, and North Korea. But liberating our homelands should be an Asian affair, not the work of foreigners whose long-term goals will cannot be certain of.

There is not one mention of liberating South Korea from the Theocrat occupiers in President Jewitt's Letter to Japan or President Dokomo's Japan's Role in the World articles.

How can it be that we have so focused on our primitive need for resources that we forget our higher goals of assisting the oppressed, whether they have high iron regions or not?

It is for this reason that "liberation" as a reason must be doubted and that we must continue to defend our home islands at all costs.

Imperial Sun Party President