Dear CoT: From an Annoyed Loyalist.

Day 2,160, 00:05 Published in Switzerland Bulgaria by remi.remi

I was going to post this as a comment on CoT HQ's latest article, "Standing Together", but it got too long and I figured this to me is a relevant enough argument that it's not fit for a simple comment-on-comment conversation only to be forgotten.

So I'll cut the crap; I usually put graphics on any sort of article but the text is all that matters here.

I present this to you publicly and independent from the government of Switzerland. Make note that when I say "this article" I mean the article linked above, as this was initially (and is still) a comment on it.

I've been a very die-hard CoT supporter since my eBirth, even through the many tough times the alliance has faced... but I'm starting to lose confidence in it. Not because many countries are wiped and all are missing/losing regions, but because the sense of unity has faded. The second paragraph of the third section of this article seems to me like a lie.

As a RL American it can be hard for me to see the USA-centric claims many people from around the world here propose with their experiences in real life, but in game it is way too easy to see the bias the alliance has towards the country.

While I am pretty political and I occasionally contribute my ideas to Switzerland's government in regards to foreign affairs, I have never been a military person. If I were, though, in the past few months should the USA have grandiose scheme to take back their regions from the despicable nations of TWO (and don't get me wrong, my position on that alliance still stands negatively), I would support wholeheartedly. After all, the USA is the backbone of CoT, right?

That position, in my opinion, was the right one to take for several months; I'm not saying I regret thinking that way. But that has been the position of CoT since the USA's unlawful and failed invasion of TWO, and it has been way too long.

I'll just say it; I am completely fed up with hearing about the Americans' "grit and determination in the face of hardship," (¶5). If we really are "a community of equals" (¶14) there would be just as much attention to all of the other countries facing intense hardship- and believe me, there are many countries facing unfair, unjust, extreme hardships (including my country) as there is for the USA. While yes, the USA is a huge part of CoT- if Switzerland (my country and the smallest member of CoT) was really treated equally to the USA rather than being given a few meager attempts at help every few weeks, we'd hear a lot more about news from our country (which, lo and behold, there is usually quite a bit of actually) in CoT HQ. This is all just for the politics and rhetoric, too, I won't even mention military support.

USA gets CoT's full attention every third article while we (the entirety of CoT citizenship) are rarely reminded the sub-1000 population countries of CoT (which CoT claims are equals to the others) even exist. Switzerland and the other smaller nations CoT (which we work hard to be a part of and were promised friendship and support from) have just as many problems that should be treated with equal attention.

Just to show I'm not making things up, I've placed all of CoT HQ's articles since the USA's failed invasion of Serbia after WWVI (are my numbers correct?) was started with Slovenia invading Switzerland (which is an ongoing issue that hasn't seen much light since attention was turned to the USA who took this as an advantage to run a failed operation on Serbia):

Heavily USA-centric (almost completely or completely USA oriented):
Thunderstorm (not direct, but most references are towards USA)
Falling from Sky
Price of Loyalty
Victory through Unity!
Standing Together

Moderately USA-centric (mostly USA-oriented with some news regarding other members):
Symphony of War
As the Smoke clears

Not USA-centric (USA treated equally with other CoT members):
Facing the Storm
Endeavor for Victory
Treaty with Italy
The Voice of CoT
The Best The Brave and The Fierce

Before anyone says these look about equal- think about what you're saying. USA in this listing has more than half of the relevancy- were it about any other country, even another heavily active one with large wars like Chile or Indonesia, the list would fall heavily in the not *country*-centric area.

This is due to another problem in CoT "unity" - the excessive attention given in the military to the USA. Yes, they are facing mass invasion. There was total outrage when they were wiped. That is to be expected. But did/do the USA's "equal" allies like Paraguay, R.o. Moldova, Switzerland, Peru, South Korea (when it was a member), Canada; hell, even France, R.o. Macedonia, Bulgaria, and to some extension Chile get as much attention as the so-called land of the free when wiped? The answer to this question is obvious!

The only countries that get heavy, even constant attention in CoT are the ones that benefit the United States.

By no means am I saying that I don't want to be a member of CoT anymore- I'm writing this article because I do. I am just as much of a CoT loyalist as I was when Switzerland actually got attention (which again, by no means am I saying I'm not grateful for and humbled by). I just want to see CoT live up to the promises it prides itself so much on. Otherwise the only part of CoT that actually works - the binding power of friendship and brotherhood - FAILS. That would be an alliance I would no longer want to be a member of.

This has been pretty long and rambley, and I've bashed the USA a bit more than my real life patriotism should allow - but I mean every word of it. I feel very strongly about being a part of Circle of Trust and I think it should be the greatest alliance in eRepublik. I also believe that no successful government ever works when the foundation is purely lies (i.e. Soviet Russia and that entire bloc and abuse of power, Bradbury in The Walking Dead, etc.).

I believe Circle of Trust needs to check on what really matters to the foundation of the alliance- unity and equality. Small nations like Switzerland do not make CoT great, no, but the fact that CoT incorporates smaller voices like Switzerland as EQUALS makes CoT very great indeed. Otherwise we stoop to the low precedent set by TWO - six major powers (or as many on both sides like to claim Serbia) controlling many other people and nations like a rancher does cattle. It's unacceptable, and it is exactly where CoT has been headed these past few months.

So to actually conclude my excessive rambling.......
So why isn't there UNITY IN VICTORY?

Hail Belgium!
Hail Bulgaria!
Hail Canada!
Hail Chile!
Hail France!
Hail Germany!
Hail Indonesia!
Hail Japan!
Hail Mexico!
Hail Paraguay!
Hail Peru!
Hail the Republic of Macedonia!
Hail the Republic of Moldova!
Hail Russia!
Hail Switzerland!
And yes, Hail the United States of America!

Citizen of Switzerland and Circle of Trust