Dade Pendwyn for Re-Election

Day 954, 09:52 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn" />

Before I begin I'd like to thank the admins for so quickly rectifying the e2012 situation we had yesterday, where literally hundreds of prominent government officials (including many Presidents) across the world were banned - myself included. The bans were simply a product of a moderator ragequit, and I knew the admins would fix it - I just didn't anticipate they'd fix it so quickly.">
The reason for my tempban was: BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Well it's been an interesting and exciting term for me, as well as for all eCanadians. Despite 1ronman's stinging betrayal, this month was also one of progress. The mentorship program is back in full swing, relations with the USA are better than they've ever been, connections with Poland have been rejuvenated, and there is a newfound sense of vigilance when it comes to security (for obvious reasons).

Catching 1ronman was an exhausting journey, and was personally the most satisfying moment of the term for me. Congress voting down the chance to make eCanada rich (it would have worked out to about 7g handed out to every single active eCanadian citizen) through the rental of a low population non-titanium region was certainly a low point of my term." />
He finally got what was coming to him

With all this in mind, I have decided to run for re-election in 07/10. I realize this is news to absolutely nobody, but lately I've been too busy with all the Newfoundland eRebuglik nonsense to do much campaigning - in the coming days I'll be putting my name out there more.

V2 is going to be a monumental task - I can be the leader who begins the journey to bringing eCanada to a new realm of importance in the New New World. Four More Weeks!" />
Don't settle for a kitten, Vote Dade on July 5th!

One of my strongest aspects is my familiarity with all things eRepublik. When V2 rolls around we don't need a CP who specializes in only one thing - we need a CP with experience, composure, dedication, and strong skills in all areas of the game. I understand the economics of the game (owner of over 12 successful high-Q companies at various times), I have an affinity for war (strongest eCanadian CP in history, experience in large-scale EDEN manouvres from current term), I have the thick skin and perseverance to survive in politics (first CP to run for consecutive terms in over 6 elections), and I'm a huge promoter of the media (founding member of the Writers' Guild of Canada). When it comes to eRepublik, I've done it all; this means I can provide eCanada with a seamless and prosperous transition into V2." />
When V2 rolls around it's going to be stormy waters, and we're going to need experience at Captain.

When V2 rolls around, we'll have the chance to make a name for eCanada - to enter a new age of prosperity. Make sure to stay subbed to this paper to get all my campaign updates, including my platform and cabinet.

On July 5th, re-elect Dade Pendwyn!


Dade Pendwyn

P.S. eRepublik is a community, and when we lose members of that community it becomes more than just a game. With this in mind, please check out Frankypicoto's eCanadian Remembrance Day.