CVP Resignation Article

Day 587, 16:03 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton

As promised, here is my article about why I resigned from the Conservative party.

Table of Contents

1.) WHY
2.) Memories
3.) Possible Parties
4.) Irrelevant Traditional End Quotes (Family Guy End Quotes!!)

1.) WHY

At first, I joined the CVP because, in real life, I am a Conservative. So, I immediately hopped on board. It seemed like a good idea. But as time went by, I learned more and more about the game, and found that in game, some RL principals (i.e. low taxes) would not be a good thing in this game. I found out more about the history, and saw that past presidents had tried some of these things, and they didn’t work out well. I became a fan of scrabman, as I came in roughly at the start of his 2nd term. A few other policy things happened, like the Germanic war. I disagreed with public opinion at the time, and supported scrabman’s decision. So, I started to have these small, and fairly insignificant policy disagreements, that I didn’t think were big deals at the time.

Enter Ajay Bruno. When I first met Ajay in the cvp3 room, I thought he was an okay guy. Patriotic, if nothing else. He brought too much RL into the game for my taste, but that’s okay. Everyone is entitled to their views, right? As long as he didn’t become president, or try to force his views on others, everything should be okay.

When the CVP nomination happened, and Ajay and Gaius were close. It seemed okay. Ajay was really trying hard it seemed. I didn’t agree with him on a lot of ideas, so I supported Gaius. I agreed with him on a lot of things. Then the attacks began on anyone who supported the non-CVP candidate. “He a liberal!” and on and on. Now before I voted for Gaius I was a “great eAmerican”. Then I was a horrible liberal supporter. This happened to everyone supporting Gaius. And this from the candidate that doesn’t even have enough qualifications to spit-shine my shoes. He has no experience in Congress or the Executive Branch at all, and didn’t even hold a real position in the CvP Council. The “Party Presidents Vice Presidents Vice President.” It was pretty much an appeasing Ajay move.

That’s one of the reasons I left. The party leadership was too afraid to put the hammer down, and was consistently too lenient with Ajay.

“Will you do it again Ajay?”
“Will you be a good boy Ajay?”
Problem solved. Except he does it again. And again. And each time it would get worse.

He also has no experience in the military other than “two clicking”. And the sad part is, he thought that was good enough. He then started with the racial slurs. And then he refused to apologize for them! Whenever someone disagreed with the kid, he would scream for them to support the CVP candidate, “elected by the silent majority, that would bring real change.” Gimme a break.

That brings me to my next point. Ajay cheated in the CVP nomination. Now even before the proof of this ( )
I knew he cheated. Hekter knew. Jaxon knew. We all knew. It was blatantly obvious. I mean, 30 votes in an hour, while everyone else gets none? Ya…

I almost decided to call this article, “Things I don’t Like about Ajay Bruno”

But I resigned, because I could not work in an environment that encouraged his growth as an eRep politician, instead of punishing him. I was also sick of the “fear and drama” of simply having a different opinion than Ajay, who seemed to run the CVP. That, coupled with the fact that I don’t see exactly eye-to-eye with the CVP, triggered me leaving. Now, I know he has been banned from the cvp3 and is being shunned by the CVP. So, he’s basically been kicked from the CVP. But he’s not done yet. He’s still running for president. And now he’s running for CVP Party President! He might just cheat his way in. But either way--too little-- too late.

In closing for this section,
Vote for Emerick.
or Vote for Harrison Richardson
or Vote for Richard Brophy
But for the love of God, vote for anyone other than Ajay Bruno!

2.) Memories

I really enjoyed my time in the CVP, and built some strong relationships with some of the people. I could work with most all of them easily. There are 4 in particular, I need to mention. You can find us, on anyday in our super-secret IRC room, that we made just to keep in touch.

Dodgercatcher: You answered a lot of my initial questions. You were the first to usher me in, and made me feel right at home. I hope our future business together, does extremely well!

Hekter: We became good friends once the ajay fiasco began, and became better and better friends all the time. You in particular gave me the inspiration to start new things--and succeed at them.

Angelini: What can I say about my “wife”? She puts up with all my crap, haha. Somewhere along my eLife, I decided I loved her. And told/tell her often. And she hasn’t blocked me! She’s a silent encouragement, and knows how to say the right word at the right time.

Jaxon: I don’t recall ever disagreeing with a single word you ever said. You saw eye-to-eye most of the time, and it was nothing but a pleasure to work with you.

*Honorable Mentions*

Mattoze5: You’re a great guy. You just need to say no a little faster. Don’t be afraid to put the hammer down.

Cromstar: Your pretty much the best guy ever. You have nowhere to go but up. You have a huge amount of talent.

thebrokenbox: AWESOMENESS

To everyone else in the CVP, it’s been an honor to work with all of you.

3.) Possible Political Parties I’ll Join


I might consider coming back if I was offered ops.

The American Party

This is a new and upcoming party, that has a few ex CVP, and a few Liberal leaning folks. It has a low member group, but their all active, and really nice fellows.

United Independents Party

I haven’t looked into these guys too much yet, but they seem pretty awesome. They have a lot of good guys in it. It’s definitely on the table.

United States Worker Party

Some of you will be thrilled that I’m considering the USWP. Some of you are probably pissed. But either way, here’s the pro’s.
It’s large and organized. It has some nice, funny fellows. Their stances are usually good.

So these are the Parties on the list right now. I’ll choose one tomorrow, and let you all know.

4.) Traditional End Quotes

(Family Guy) -Quagmire: “Hello, 911? It's Quagmire. Yeah, yeah, it's in a window this time.”

(Family guy) -Meg: Look. I got a letter from Dad. "Dear Meg, for the first four years of your life, I thought you were a housecat".-Dad

Lois: Peter, would you please fix the bathroom faucet?
Peter: I fixed it already.
Lois: No, you didn't. It's still dripping.
Peter: No way! I will give you all my Star Wars guys if it is. W-w-wait. Except Boba Fett. No matter how sure I am, I never risk the Fett man.

Peter: Hey, you know what's funny? I always thought that dogs, um, laid eggs. And, I learned something today...

See ya’ll next time.