Congressional Elections

Day 1,374, 14:18 Published in USA USA by sjohnfsdsxzzx

If you haven't yet noticed, which I'm sure you already have, it's election day, and today you get to choose your favorite politician, or person who wants to be a politician, to Congress. I would write more, but i don't have as much time as I used to for erepublik, although I'm still fairly active. If you haven't yet voted, I recommend you vote for one of the following:

Gnilraps in Virginia( yes, the Special forces Guy with the media mogul, I'm jealous too)

But seriously, this man is one of the best eAmerican players around, his platform is located here (I think) :

Portcolumbus in Mississippi

Although relatively new when compared to other players who have played for two years, portcolumbus is a great choice for America, and I'm sure he will work to make the eUSA a better nation.

His platform is here:

Max King in Indiana
another good choice for Congress, Max is an experienced player and is currently serving the nation in the state dept.

His platform/ campaign article is here:

And finally, me in Arizona
If I lose you will disappear and never be found, you have been warned...

But if I do lose, I'm sure either Mr. Peanuts or deershark will do fine jobs as congressmen if one of the two manages to win. Although voting for me would make me happy. 😃

My campaign article can be found here:

PM me if you wish to receive money for moving expenses in exchange for voting for me. No rewards, sjohn don't roll like that.