Condensed Version

Day 802, 23:20 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

I thought I would condense JJ's rebuttal of president Edana's article for everyone to spare them the extra 2 minutes of reading.

Here is Edana's original article

Here is JJ's

Okay so here I go

" I have read the words and seen the pretty graphs. Now let's talk srs bzs. Ok, let's break it down "

Ireland is small. Ireland is poor. Ireland cant do anything without being wasted. I love Ireland. Ireland needs to listen to me. Ireland, the people Im arguing with are idiots. Ireland lets go hide in a corner and hope some big country doesnt rape us too hard.

" Government of Ireland there is a wide variety of plans brought up, yet you still try to shove this down our throats " Why wont you let me shove my plan down Ireland's throats ?

I tried to be as concise as possible