Being Small Is No Excuse

Day 801, 22:11 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

I want to show you something.

This is a tool that will show you what battles we have fought in. How we did in our training wars. Who put up what kind of damage and how we stack up next to other countries.

On this particular page, I want you to zoom to a one month view. We have been steadily increasing our damage over the last few months and this month we nearly broke 90k in damage. We also had a record high 1533 fights and 381 fighters. It's lovely to see those numbers continuing to go up.

Now I want to show you this.

This is India's report. I chose India because they are comparable in size to us. Zoom to the three months. Notice that their average damage is less than ours in comparision with the exception of two spikes over 100k in Damage. The first spike was when they were fighting off Iran, and the second one is the recent activity that is happening over there now.

Why am I showing you this? Because I believe we can hold own our if necessary. If India can, then we can. They had people come to their aid in their hour of need and we were some of those people. They would do the same for us.

We don't need to be afraid.

Need more convincing? Look at other countries similar in size to us. Japan, Finland, Malaysia, Columbia, Chile, France, South Africa, etc.

France was nearly wiped off the face of the eEarth and they are slowly coming back. Are we any less persistent? I don't think so.

Let me show you something else.

We have some heavy hitters that deserve some recognition, and they are not the usual people you would think of either. No offense Einie, but you weren't known as a power house. Of course after that 9000 damage you put up for the Battle Hero, I have most definitely changed my mind. 😉

The point I'm trying to make is our size isn't necessarily a hindrince. We could still improve, no doubt. I'm not going to say we are a well oiled machine. But we do have a lot of potential stored up in our country just waiting to be unleashed. And I want to unleash us, I really do. We have got to get on the same page and do it.

I want us to do more than just deployments. I would like us to sign an MPP with another country. We have the means. We have the desire. Now we just need the votes to make it happen.

We are Fighters.
We are Independent.
We are Ireland.

Edana Savage
An Taoiseach