Cheat Sheet, Baby Boom, and FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY!

Day 753, 06:33 Published in USA USA by Gnaeus Progenitor">" border="0" />

Cheat Sheet for day 753:

1. New Training Module which allow players to spend gold and receive better training have got eCitizens going wild with anger at the changes which the Admins have implemented. Former President Emerick, has expressed his dissatisfaction with the changes as well as former(?) Vice President Woxan, read his article here. Many current presidents are being fairly quiet on the subject, like Mr Woldy of the U.K. and Jewitt of the U.S. More on the recent changes later.

2. Romania invaded Bulgaria early yesterday for what the insightful Aeros has called “lulz.” Definitely check out his article here. The reason perhaps, as Aeros said, is to essentially test the strength of the forces of Hungary. Bulgaria has a Mutual Protection Pact with Hungary. Bulgaria is currently down to one territory, Sofia, and it looks like it will be close fight. Bulgaria has some big time allies – Russia, Serbia, Hungary, and Indonesia (the Titans of Phoenix). With Russia’s iron, Serbia’s population, Hungary’s money, and Indonesia’s experienced fighting force – Romania is looking at a tough gang. Serbia has also attacked Romania in the province of Vidin, hoping to draw forces away from Bulgaria.

3. Japan has issued an ultimatum to some major Phoenix powers. Japanese President Dokomo has basically demanded that Indonesia and Iran withdraw from China (Hungary gets to stay in the Heilongjian Province) by Sunday or Japan will allow the U.S. to enter Asia through Kyushu. Iran possesses the high iron region of Liaoning in northeast China, and Indonesia owns Fujian and Guangdong Regions in the southeast (not high in iron, but have medium grain). The President of Hungary has announced that the Phoenix will not accept the demands of President Dokomo. Monday will supposedly be the day when Kyushu is transferred to the U.S. and then all war may break loose.

4. BABY BOOM: the U.S. is attempting to increase its population through helping eRepublik gain notoriety throughout various message-boards, websites, etc. It only requires a quick vote and there is real potential for increasing membership. Please check out Emerick’s article here to find out what you can do to help.

5. The Admin has not yet addressed the issue of overtime in the Kyushu. Most people seem to have forgotten about due to the recent Japanese proposal. The Admin would have likely gotten around to the issue at some time. They were probably just too busy counting money.

Admins:">" border="0" />
This pic was used by me in a recent post; however, it seems appropriate now. Kind of adds to Woxan’s theme.

New War Training Module: It has made many people angry; it has brought me disappointment. This new module benefits only one group of people in the game – players with a great deal of money (specifically those willing to spend money, in both real life and the game). Aeros provides an excellent and fair article regarding the New Module as well as ways to improve it, read it here. I know why the Admin did it, so more people would purchase gold with real money. So I guess the Admin decided to give themselves a Christmas / Hanukah / Kwanza / Festivus / Friday gift, not the players. This classism – this is tyranny through monetary oppression – this shafts the new and the poor – this benefits the fat cats who run this joint – this – this – this is a business. 😉

I disagree with their choice to implement this new feature, but I will play on.