President's Desk: Battle for Kyushu, Updated Post-Battle

Day 748, 09:06 Published in USA Bulgaria by Jewitt

I think I will borrow Josh Frost's style of having a picture of him at a podium. Seems appropriate.

Post Battle

Americans, we started at 0😇0:00 on the battle clock with a wall of 901,000 and tanks flying across the other side. We attacked, and we attacked hard. With heavy resistance and tanking, the wall soon became 71,000 in the last minute. That is 829,000 points on top of attacking tanks.

If that feat was not enough, a look at the battle page under &quot😉etails" reveals we did 4,545 damage more than them. Would that had been a win? Nope. Would that mean over time? Absolutely. Were we given overtime? No.

There's quite a few articles and forum debates about the subject, so I will leave it at that.

As it stands, the United States will not falter. China still is calling for our aid and now that we are stuck on the other side of the Pacific for some time we must prepare. Other aligned nations are beginning to side with our efforts, and hopefully in due time we can see about directly aiding China.

Diplomacy has never been ruled out, and we in the State Department and as an Allied Force are talking with both sides, in hopes to divert a threat on our ally China.

As it stands, all citizens should use tomorrow to heal up to 100 wellness. Tomorrow should end with 90+ wellness for all of you. I want to thank the U.S. Armed Forces and the Allied Forces combined for their hard work. We did the impossible, destroying that massive wall in so little time with such heavy resistance. Maybe next time the war module will hold its own.

Fight in KYUSHU

End the day at 90+ wellness, as close to 100 as possible. If you will not be available at 9:20 eRepublik Time (12:20 Eastern, 11:20 Central) then do the ten-fight "berserk" fighting method.

Fight down to 40-49, heal, fight back down to 50-59.

Need to know what kind of weapon to buy? When in doubt, buy Q1. If you can afford it, buy Q2. Don't spend all your money on higher quality weapons - that will be needed in a few days! This battle, however, is extremely vital and is one of a few "Win or bust" conflicts. We must not falter, and we must fight to the last minute! The government will not be issuing free weapons for this battle.

Although this is the first battle of many, we expect a lot of resistance from those who fear what we will bring on the mainland. Give them a taste of it, and see you on the battlefield.

Always check the latest DoD Article for changes in the war.

Why the Battle Took so Long

We always hear about that chicken that runs around with its head cut off. Well, this was no exception. The first two retreats on the United Kingdom went smoothly, then when it was time for Connecticut and New Jersey I encountered a few problems.

What ensued was what the University Police would call "an morbidly awkward event." In the P.C. Lab, which is de facto Presidential Military Command, that little son of a scrab jumped up on my monitor and began flapping his feathers and shooting all my papers all over the place. I, of course, was well prepared. I took out a Louisville slugger with a rusty nail driven through the tip of it and pursued to wreak justice on the fowl of damnation.

After a few smacks and a destroyed MacBook (don't ask), the chicken finally killed over.

When I went to attack, after finally making all my retreats, he popped up for vengeance. Unfortunately, he does not understand the virtues of opposable thumbs and baseball. After a few more hits, the attack went through.

So, for all the efforts I put into this, we better win!

-Written and Edited by,
Your President