CANAM WAR: Nave's Toe Stumbled Upon Again

Day 1,703, 15:32 Published in USA USA by GloveisLove

On day 647, Emerdick declared America The Confederate States of America. And that is officially the name of the eUSA, since no one ever bothered to change it.

Ever since the defeat of American forces by Canuckistanis, Americans have vowed to avenge Nave. The result of the first attempt to avenge Nave's Honor:

The Northern Dictatorship:
Belligerents: Canada, Teden allies, Upset Americans

Confederate States of America:
Belligerents: The rest of America, Brazil, Nippon

Lesson to be learne😛 Friends matter, and if you make your friends mad, even the little ones, they will be very, very, upset, and no amount of wealth will protect you from their punches.

But some people are thick-skulled.

Brotherly Love?

This love, this hate. Good game Canada, I'm sure the Confederates will be ready for round 2.