The South Rises Again

Day 647, 18:41 Published in USA USA by Emerick
Confederate States of America,

I'm proud to announce that we've regained several southern states, 6 of them within an hour, with Portugal's help thanks to our>peace treaty with Portugal. This is awesome. We're well on our way to becoming the complete confederacy as more and more states join our holy cause. This is where we were before the treaty:

This is what we have now:

This is what we want:

Plus a few dust bowl states

When we get there, then we will once again be whole, and there will be much celebration. To acknowledge our new state, I have changed our country flag. Until further notice, the American flag will be this:

Other changes include our national sport, which will change from our classic baseball, to a more suitable sport, NASCAR. Our attire will also have to change. From now on, instead of three-piece suits and ties, our statesmen will wear either three-piece suits, bow ties, and monocles; or wife-beaters and trucker hats. I am moving from the White House to a trailer park, right next to my sister, Betty-Sue, who I often engage in sexual intercourse with.

Raw Materials
Oh lawdy, is dat sum black gold? Why yes it is. We have reacquired Texas and Louisiana, which are high oil states. Also, we have Tennessee now, which is a high wood state. I don't want to be overly optimistic, but if you want to restart your land companies in those regions, you should. Also, if a few land workers want to come back to stimulate our economy, feel free. This isn't a global call for all patriots to return, just an acknowledgment that we need more revenue, and that this would help. Our only Q5 hospital is still in Florida. We don't have the security necessary to put one in another region right now, so Florida is still where the bunkers are.

Other News
President Raikael and I paused the treaty for 60 hours so that he and GLaDOS could start resistance wars without being forced to restart them if they happened to fail. Because of this, our NAP will be void for the 60 hours, and I will be attacking Portugal tomorrow before we lose initiative so that they may not block us.>I'm sorry it took so long