Canadian/ International News - Issue 1 - (Lots of News)

Day 475, 20:05 Published in Canada Canada by emilio sanchez
Canadian/ International News - Issue 1 -

Hello fellow citizens,

I am happy to release the first issue of Canadian News Corp.’s first local and international news publication. It will be released once a week, and will be a one stop news article for everything going on around the world and locally.

(Note: Please vote and subscribe)


1. Local News (eCanada related)
2. International News
3. Recent Admin Announcements/ Updates
4. Interview with -
5 Miscellaneous
6. Links

1. Local News

= Recently a Health Plan was announced, and it is slowly catching on. This health plan is in place to help new, and old citizens gain wellness so that they can be more productive and thus build more products. Which helps employers sell more, and in turn allows them to pay their workers more. It’s a circle that helps everyone. If you would like more information on this, please go here. Canadian Health Plan

Also: On the eCanada Forums

= In the Military department. Canada wants to help Romania by attacking France. The CAF could use our donations of CAD or Gold to help cover the cost of starting battles. They are looking to collect at least 30 gold. Check the article out here: War Donation

= A new list of Canada’s top 10 influential Canadians was released by Alias Vision. While some have said that a few important figures in Canada were not included. It is still a well done list, and I can’t wait for the next issue to show us who else can make the list. Here is the list: Top 10 Most Influential

= Recently A few notable eCanadians have decided to quit or leave for awhile. Most notably John Wilkmot and Banach have announced their intentions. Please go to this article on the eCanadian forums to say your farewells.

= The new Plugson nominees for last weeks best article are up. Please go to the forums and vote for your favourite. Link:

(I personally congratulate Plugson on doing a fine job getting people to write better articles.)

2. International News

= While most American citizens support their countries attack on Mexico, saying that by attacking Mexico, they are raising the strength of their soldiers, in the event of attack by an enemy nation. Some even saying they need to attack the remaining regions of Mexico. The rest of the eWorld would not agree. The ATLANTIS Alliance has held a vote to determine a punishment for America due to attacking another nation without notifying ATLANTIS. It was determined that the American government must pay 100 gold to each nation in the ATLANTIS Treaty. Mexico is still trying to gain help from other countries to stop the eUS from taking complete control of the country.

= The great battle between Indonesia and Romania is still going on, with Romania loosing a few regions such as West Siberian Region and Transnistria. Resistance wars are being started by both sides to try and divert their attackers. This is turning into one of the largest wars the world has seen in a long time. It will be interesting to see what the outcome will be.

= Pakistan has attacked Indonesia and Iran to help Romania. As well, Spain is attacking France.

= Israel and Greece are the latest member countries included in the ATLANTIS Alliance. So congratulations to those countries.

Information gathered from: ATLANTIS News

3. Admin Announcements/ Updates

= Recently, the admin released the details on the survey that was released for everyone to take part in. It asked citizens to answer questions on topics they would like to see implemented into eRepublik, or things the admin could improve.

The turnout was remarkable, with over 16,000 citizens taking part in the survey. (15,041 of those being males. Which accounts for over 94% of the eRepublik community being male, and of the over 16,000 respondents. Most are between the ages of 19 and 24.)

Interesting notes about the survey results are:

- Most people want different countries to determine their own government type.
- Most believe owning your own company and fighting are the most essential parts of the game.
- Military Module needs improving the most
- Everyone wants to see more product variety on the market place.
- Citizens are also interested in the possibility of getting married, having cars or even pets.

4. Interview With -

We apologize, but we could not schedule an interview in the short time frame available.

5. Miscellaneous

- A Q5 Defence System was approved by congress to be put in Ontario
- Discussion of what to do with a Q4 hospital is being discussed by congress. The possibilities are placing the hospital in Nova Scotia, or selling it, and using the money to upgrade the company to Q5.
- New citizens should check out the support center (Located on the eCanada Forums) For any help or questions they need answered. Link: New Citizen Support

Wanting to start a company of your own? Check out this useful article posted by Moishe - Entreprenurship

6. Links

Canadian Health Plan
On the eCanada Forums
War Donation
Top 10 Most Influential

New Citizen Support

Thank You for reading, and don't forget to vote and subscribe.

-Emilio Sanchez

(c. March 9, 2009)