Canadian Air Epic Fund - Payments - Day 5,348

Day 5,348, 10:20 Published in Canada Canada by Kippers
In accordance with the Canadian Epic Funding Program, players who have contributed at least 500,000 damage in air prior to an Air Battle turning Epic will be paid 50,000cc prorated for every damage dealt thereafter.

The damage totals are counted from 3 different sources at 99% Epic and averaged out before the payment formula is applied.

Kippers's Screenshot:

Mann551's Screenshot:

Napoleon54's Screenshot:

Payment Calculations:

Canadians have contributed a total of 6,433,234 air damage, pushing the Air Battle to 43% Epic against India in Ontario, and have collected a total of 643,323cc in rewards divided amongst its 4 contributors. It took just under 5 minutes to turn the air battle Epic!

Congratulations and a thank you to everybody who has contributed!

Here's to more Canadian Air Epics to come!

Previous Canadian Air Epics:
First Canadian Air Epic
Second Canadian Air Epic
Third Canadian Air Epic
Fourth Canadian Air Epic
Fifth Canadian Air Epic
Sixth Canadian Air Epic
Seventh Canadian Air Epic
Eigth Canadian Air Epic
Ninth Canadian Air Epic
Tenth Canadian Air Epic
Eleventh Canadian Air Epic
Twelvth Canadian Air Epic
Thirteenth Canadian Air Epic
Fourteenth Canadian Air Epic