Canada Eh?

Day 519, 02:08 Published in Canada Canada by Gofarman

This was first posted as a comment on the CSD Paper (this article:

As you all can probably guess I am that "forefront individual" (grammar FTW). You claim that this resignation was not "made out of apology, regret, or even a desire to fall on one's sword for the administration" I have been on the hot seat for what 3 days now? I have got past regret and political suicide in the first day and have done nothing but what everyone has asked of me since this all began. And I ask you what should I apologize for, that my computer was vulnerable... How could I have expected such an act answer me that. I wish for the best for eCanada and one day in the future I am sure I will return.

You want to know what I brought me to the point of resigning my coveted Speakers seat and a voice in the Congress, I will tell you. I resigned because of uneducated people assuming they knew everything, hypocrites that would say one thing to me and say another thing behind my back, and all the small minded politics going on, this article being a great example. I hope that you figure out a way to live with less hate and a little more trust.

I will leave you with this Quote, and I hope you feel shame for what you have done in the past days.

"A man's word is his bond. If his word is not worth anything then neither is he." - Anonymous