Bradley Reala, A Plan for America, Part 1

Day 952, 14:30 Published in USA USA by Bradley Reala
Edit: There is an attack ad linking to this article. That ad is not run by myself or my campaign, and I do not condone such a thing. I'm sorry that anyone would run such a thing, and I'm fully committed to stamping out these negative campaigns.

A Plan for America


Retention is probably one of the most important things that is facing our nation, and we have a lot of work to do to get our retention levels up. From working with the Parties to expanding the Government and giving more jobs to the hard workers in our society I intend to make retention a top goal, and I have a lot of good ideas to help. In my opinion one of the biggest things in a V2 world will be holding all of those new players that we bring in with the change, and I intend to do that by interesting them in government jobs, having a dedicated mass mailing staff to welcome our new members each day, and strengthening the welcoming committee and other social programs.

But that’s a lot of work!

Yep, that is a lot of work, and as I’ve said before a lot of work means a lot of jobs. By focusing resources onto keeping people in the game by getting them active, we’ll expand the pool of workers who can help with these jobs. The mass mailing staff especially, but really all of the jobs will require having multiple workers doing these jobs. Many hands make light work, and by having dedicated staffs doing these jobs we’ll be able to reach out to people, not only in the messages that these people will be sending out, but also by giving newer people these same jobs and having them do outreach programs that will give them experience and build friendships with the staff and the new people that they meet. I’d also like to get a Video Crew together to make a “Welcome Message” that we will simply put the link of in the Presidential Welcoming Message. If even a few people watch it and stay then it’ll be worth it.

That’s neat, but what else?

Ah, now you’re hitting the root of the problem. Just reaching out to these people may not be enough. We need to get them active in the game. This means not only making new jobs in the welcoming committee, but making new jobs for spreadsheet workers in the Department of State, bringing in more ambassadors, opening up more programs in the Department of the Interior, and generally expanding the size of the lower level government. As I said in my earlier article, A Recipe for Retention, the government should look like a pyramid, lean and active at the top, but with a good number of jobs at the bottom to allow new players to come in and gain experience and relationships. Basically, what I’m saying, is that by getting these people jobs, we will be giving them a reason to keep playing the game.


I’ll admit straight off that parties aren’t my forte, but they are a good retention tool. I’ve already spoken with some people, and I believe that reaching out to the parties may be one of the most important things we can do to help increase retention. In order to do this, I plan to have an Office of Party Relations established that will reach out to both the Top 5 parties and smaller 6th parties, and attempt to get them the resources and man power they need to get their programs going. Rather than sniping at each other, we need to be working together to make sure that our young players are taken care of, and that’s what I intend to do.

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E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

A Good Friend of Mine Once Sai😛

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