
Day 3,481, 09:56 Published in United Kingdom Norway by Major Lee Hung

People allowing BigAnt to return just for a shot at being relevant themselves again... pretty desperate to help an emotionally deficient thief because you can't achieve anything yourself. I'll pity you once I'm done looking down on you and laughing. (Which may be the day BigAnt returns what he stole - never)

A list of his lifelong achievements

-Scamming foreign players

-News starts to break of the huge treasury theft

-Another scam, where BigAnt proudly comments like it's nothing

-SmallAnt explains how he stole the money to teach you all a lesson, in his "last article"

Fortunately there's enough functional adults in the eUK to keep these wastes of skin out of power - give up now BigAnt and let the grown ups get back to business.