Australian Economic Review - March/April 2012

Day 1,611, 16:31 Published in Australia Australia by Paul J Keating

The alternate title for this article is "another day, another haircut". Producers have been taking a hammering over the past month, with average prices in all markets sinking like the dreams and aspirations of would-be captains of industry.

Normally I accompany my charts with a little commentary, but to be honest there's nothing I can say that the pictures don't scream at you 1,000 times louder so let's just drink it in...




Consumers rejoice, producers weep.


'Nuff said - Wage earners rejoice, employers weep.

What to do? Prices keep on dropping, wages keep on rising. One thing is for sure, investing in a company right now is becoming less and less viable. The best value "work as manager" company (Q4 raw materials) now takes almost 6 months to achieve payback and with the currency/gold exchange rate continuing to deflate ($1740 per gold when I just checked) there's no mitigating factors at all.

The current economy is great for wage earners and gold buyers. Traders can still make a buck buying low and selling back at default prices, but as sellers get more savvy the margins are getting narrower all the time.


In a recent article esteemed citizen and presidential advisor Majester proposed a radical review of Australia's taxation system. A resulting bill is now under discussion in senate and the first outcome, a reduction in income tax from 10% to 1% is currently being voted on. For the average wage earner this should mean an extra $18 per day in the hip pocket. Combined with ever-decreasing prices this should make life for the average wage-earner even better. Discussion continues on the other components of the tax review, if you're a member of the Aus Citizens group on the forum you can follow the discussion thread.