Senate, Fix Taxes

Day 1,607, 19:09 Published in Australia USA by Majester

Let us all agree that there is no real economy outside of selling to the bot in eRepublik. Once you accept this, you may think how to optimise revenue for Australia.

Income Tax: 1%
This allows communes to flourish, reduces the cost of exports, and generally makes everyone happy. Past tax fiddling have shown that Income Tax contribute negligible amounts to the Treasury anyway - why not maximise the sexiness of our local economy?

Import Duty: 1%
There is a single currency. No matter how hard we try to build an internally strong economy, there is but a single customer. Remove all barriers so that the world can sell to our local bot. The more people who do, the more we free money we generate from:

VAT: 20%
This is the sole tax that generated money for the government. It is equal on local producers and imports, it has no effect on our exports, and is impossible to by-pass except via direct donations. And if you do directly donate to bypass the tax, then you are clearly not selling to our number 1 consumer: the eRepublik bot.

Remember that Raw Materials are exempt from VAT, so with no import duty, it means we are actively moving Australians from a resource economy to a manufacturing economy.

Let's tax eRepublik and win for Australia.

Play the game, play the system.



Survior of Australia

TL😉R Kill Income & Import Tax and tax eRepublik to win for Australia.