Argh, A Pirates Tale: Part 1

Day 876, 14:19 Published in USA USA by Marcus Patterson

Dear Readers,

I do apologize for not releasing a "serious" article for the past week. Truthfully, there is not much to talk about. Other than this: Finland and Norway vs Russia. And of course, the Western Australia fiasco, which i don't even want to start talking about that, because of how ridiculous the entire thing is. Anyways, hopefully the Admins will fix the module soon, so that this doesn't happen again.">
*Just put on (7:21 pm April 14th)*

---For Part 2 click here ---

Now, onto the fun!

A New Treasure!

"Argh ye Mateys! There is treasure to be found! Grab your sword and your flasks of ale and let us be on with our voyage!"

Marcus Patterson was just a young eCitizen of the New World. He typically wrote articles for the local paper, which was handed out by a young boy in front of his general store. Marcus liked to garden and play with rag dolls he created. He wasn't married, because he had a disease, which removed his penis at a young age. I won't go into too much detail. It was gross though, just deteriorated slowly over several months. Anyways!!!

One day, an old sea voyager with a white grizzly beard approached Marcus. He took a good look at the young lad, and stared at him for several minutes.

"You be needin sumtin' sir?" asked the young Mr. Patterson.

"Aye, i need me a crew", the old man replied.

"A crew, Marcus asked, a crew for what?"

It twas for a sea voyage, a search for treasure. The old man had stumbled upon a treasure map, which stated that there was treasure to be found. The Kings Treasure to be exact, it could be worth up to 5000 gold pieces!! Marcus listened to the details of the voyage as stated by the old man. He knew that he should attend to his store and to his rag dolls and to the blank spot where his...yeah. But Marcus wanted an adventure, he needed to get out of this port town. The dull, boring ships coming back and forth bringing meaningless goods. This was Marcus's chance to escape, to become a real Pirate!

The old man stated his name as Captain Rogers, Captain Buck Rogers. They shook hands, and they were off to find the rest of their crew.

Marcus and Capt. Rogers traveled to several different cities and countries. They needed to find a capable crew. A crew that would be feared by all, and wouldn't become susceptible to scurvy, a lack of Vitamin C. They searched the entire eUS, they searched in Greece, and they searched in eSouth Africa. After several weeks, the crew was finalized. Here twas their members:

The Can into Spaces:

Captain: Buck Roger

First Ship Mate: Marcus Patterson

Second Ship Mate: Jewitt

Crew Accountant: Sydiot

Dock Crew Members: Myles Robinson, Fingerguns, Dr. Tango, and John Sykes

It was a group not to be reckoned with. The best of the best. The members were a brotherhood, a team, a crew. When they finally set sail on their EpiKzz boat, they had no doubt in their minds that they'd be the ones findin' thy treasure.

Halfway across the world however, there was another crew forming. A stronger, bigger crew formed by some of the fiercest captains in the world. They also had word of a treasure. Some of biggest and wealthiest eCitizens of the New World joined together, to become even richer and become icons in eHistory. Their crew, was formed from the forges of Hell. Ok, not really, but they were pretty Bad Arse.

The Dioists

Captain: Emerick

First Ship Mate: Max McFarland 2

Second Ship Mate: Zoli

Crew Accountant: Aiden Astrup

Dock Crew Members: Mr. Woldy, Dischmds, Gaius Julius

Slaves: Pizza the Hut, Ajay Bruno, Glados, and a Russian bot

The crews were to set sail on the same day. Both with a treasure map and a thirst for gold. From opposite sides of the eWorld, the crews gathered their flasks and their swords and bid farewell to their woman and left. A long journey it will be, but who will come out victorious is yet to be known. It will be an epic battle if these crews ever meet, and I assure you they will.

Stay Tuned for Part 2

Wanted to keep people excited, part 2 is coming out tomorrow and will be a pretty funny article. Subscribe to stay informed!

Marcus Patterson
Ambassador to eVenezuela