Amerika, Ist Wunderbar---Economy, Domestics, War

Day 1,298, 14:31 Published in USA USA by Glove

America, take a seat.


Things are happening to the economy, America. Things are happening to our regions, America. Drastic things. Here’s a breakdown of the happenings:


Admins messed with the economy yesterday, again.

You all got candy to play with to help you forget about the terrible things that happened.

There is no longer work skill (what the hell did I train so hard for then? ;\

We now have Town Centers which can be upgraded to give you more health/day (must be QMGs nightmares eh?)

In response:

---The economic council has proposed a lowering of income taxes and some VATs

---Some Import taxes will be raised slightly

--- The price crashing technically makes our currency stronger (1 dollar can buy more food now)

Our hopes are that given these new changes consumption will finally be able catch up to production.

/end economy ramble

Domestic Programs
I have proposed new immigration procedures in hopes that we will more effectively integrate foreign citizens into our nation. Congressman, I ask that you read this proposal and give your feedback in the congressional sub-forum. Basically, the proposal aims to generate some revenue and to give us more firepower in the current wars.

I also am experimenting a bit with a program designed to help us in battles outside of our prime-time. Right now its small-scale but if successful we will expand it.

Now for more interesting things.


Recently, Russia was down to its last region. The Russians, alongside Terran and Eden forces, tried valiantly to defend Far Eastern Russia. Unfortunately, we were simply outgunned.

But we salute everyone who fought there, for now Russia may be off the map, but it will be back, as Russia has proven itself time and time again that it is not a country to be taken lightly. So long as we maintain the will and desire to overcome the obstacles that stand in our way, we will succeed, in good time.

You see, 6 months ago, St Krems was marching into Moscow. We were getting Krems into the Kremlin. And yesterday we fought to the bitter-end to defend the last Russian region. To many of our old players who suddenly revive, this may come as a shock, but to me it is not. Both nations have grown past their old rivalry, and I was truly happy to see us fight alongside one another, even if the outcome was not pleasant. If I would of had 1000 gold, I would have spent it all on Russia.


France has been a superb bro. France has consistently aided everyone in all of their struggles, and I quickly realized this the last time I was president, when they defended us against the Indonesian invasion. Yesterday we tried to show our gratitude. We had a highly contested battle in Baden-Wurttemberg, and it consisted of basically all of ONE vs Terra. Hungary had to give up the Austrian resistance war in Salzburg as a result of this conflict. Unfortunately, Baden-Wurttemberg resulted in a loss, a narrow-defeat after such a great battle.

Today France suffered some losses by the joint attacks of Poland and Hungary as well. ONE also has its sights in Amerika.

Go figure.

It must be because we're so kawaii, amiright?

At this rate, it is likely that Poland and Hungary will reach American soil relatively soon.

Sweden let the United Kingdom regain Scotland, out of fear that the United States would declare it as natural enemy.

Too bad.

I really wanted to slay some pigs.

With Dio on our side, we cannot lose

The current president of Canada is Rolo Tahmasee, an all around Fight club enthusiast and a guy generally known to be a thief to the North. But he's determined to slay the Swedish invaders and its within our interests to help him do so. First because Canada has always been our hot wife to the north, second, because I want to take down the pig, and third, because Canada can then help us with strategic maneuvers if ONE reaches American land.

Also, theres a Canuck bro who wants to give you supplies to help out: click here.

So what now?

To be frerk, we are in for a hell of a ride Amerika. When I became president again a few days ago, we were already facing a Spanish invasion. Now there is more to come. Now more than ever, you have to follow DoD orders, use your fights wisely, and maximize your potential. If you aren't in a militia or a military, you're doing it wrong.

We haven't seen a great invasion since PEACE invaded us, yet we survived, and we can do it again.

But only:

If you believe.

If you will stay fighting here, with me.

If you will forget your petty squabbles with one another.

If you will stand against all odds.

If you truly want to, we can win this.

President Glove
Glove is Love
Day 5