Ajay the Social Exile

Day 680, 19:12 Published in South Africa South Africa by Oceanus

Hello South Africa,
I'm writing this article to second Ryan Dagari's idea seen here.
Ajay, but also Exilious are not worthy of our attention. They are a waste of our time. I know that Amun and others have endless fun trolling them, but for some of us it's getting very very old. Its time to move on. In some societies, when a person is truly deserving of being exiled (i.e. Ajay, and Exilious, fitting name "bro"), they don't physically force one to leave, instead they totally ignore his/her existence, making it impossible to live with the silence. Because we cant actually force them to leave, we should, by this example, stop acknowledging them all together.

Even the fact that I haven been pushed far enough to write this article is annoying to me. Lets start it now. I wanted to write a large section on all of the ridiculous, obnoxious, and terrible things that Ajay and Exilious have done in their time here in eSouth Africa to reinforce why they should be exiled for all those who haven't been following. But I've decided that I'd rather leave it open to all of you to write about them yourselves in the comment section. Lets see some strong testimony people, but don't go too far, I don't want to see anyone getting temp-banned.

After reading this article, comment and vote, but don't debate with Ajay. Write one of your experiences with him and then just.... forget he exists. They aren't worth South Africa's time. They are a disgrace on this community. Let us be done with them.

Minister of Foreign Affairs