Proposal to Shut it

Day 680, 17:58 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ryan Dagari

Yet another Ajay article.

I would really enjoy it if everyone stopped writing articles about Ajay Bruno. Yes he is an easy target, but he's so easy to make fun of it's getting old. Plus i'd rather you put your writing efforts towards other current events or foreign affairs rather than Mr. Bruno.

I think if we just pretend he doesn't exist and ignore his articles we should be able to shut his voice out and maybe get him to leave. He feeds off our attention so it is imperative that we stop giving him it. He's like a T-rex, if you don't move he won't see you.

So I do ask that you stop writing articles about him, stop replying to his comments, and stop accepting that he even exists. If we're lucky he will just leave because he won't have a reason to stay here anymore.

Dr. Dagari is out!