A Very Belated and Final Message From Your MoD

Day 593, 06:41 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization

Those who follow my newspaper will notice I have gone on an article writing frenzy lately (one every day since I returned) and I will try to keep this brief as possible. First of all, I apologize for pretty much abandoning the IDF for almost half the term, it simply was not fair on our esteemed soldiers. Unfortunately my absence was both unpredictable and out of my control. Luckily while I was gone my Deputy Grainne Ni Mhaille filled my shoes and quite frankly I am stunned by the sheer amonth of progress she made. In short, I thank her deeply for her dedication to eIreland's defense. Within this article I will: give a summary of my term (albeit a brief one) as MoD, welcome the new recruits, give a special thanks to all who helped me, introduce/commend the progress Grainne made and draw what I hope will be a somewhat graceful close to my term as MoD (please no burning Severin effigies and pitchforks).

My Reign of Terror
When I took over as MoD I had many plans to reorganize the IDF (if you want to know what they were check out this article here). Some of the ideas derived from conservations I had Grainne while my initial plans were delayed. This was because I had to send the troops abroad on what turned out to be a peace keeping mission in Estonia and when they got back I did my best to prepare them for an apparent UK invasion. While MoD I tried to increase activity (reallocate soldiers to appropriate divisions) and worked with COs (particularly to move the troops and check activity). I ensured supplies (to the best of my ability) and tried to help as many younger soldiers as possible train. My efforts to improve communication, information and organizing were cut short due to real life events and I regret not being able to launch an elaborative recruitment campaign (to facilitate my improvement ideas). Thankfully Grainne launched a similar and successful campaign.

A Welcome To All The New Recruits
The IDF has undergone a significant influx in recruits and quite frankly it is an exciting time to be a member of the organizing. Off the top of my head, we have about 200 soldiers. To all who recently signed up, I salute you (sorry for the ACDCesque turn of phrase). eIreland, relatively, is a small country with a population that constantly falling in size. Your support, dedication and loyalty contributes significantly not only to our national security but the security of freedom loving countries around the e-world. Some of you who joined will more than likely expect supplies and orders immediately, be patient. Despite what some may think, we do not have an endless pool of weapons. Furthermore, new divisions need to be set up and new COs appointed. You will have to wait for your new MoD to do this as I simply wouldn't be able to organize that within the time frame I have (aka I'm being tossed out of my office tomorrow). However I am certain whoever takes over will be more than capable and I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors (who knows what exciting innovations the future will bring).

And Now, Much Thanks To
Nithraldur for putting his faith in me.
Grainne Ni Mhaille, I struck gold when I appointed her my Deputy.
Michael Collins for the IDF application he made and the help he gave me using it (without that application I would have been lost).
All the COs who kept in contact with me and gave me their support (you know who you are). The IDF is blessed with many capable, nice and very helpful COs.
All the soldiers who went abroad to Estonia. I know we didn't see any action but it showed your dedication to another country's defense, activity and loyalty.
Everyone who gives up part of their time for e-Ireland's defense.

One Giant Leap For The IDF
The IDF has indisputably come a long way since last and much of the credit can be attributed to Grainne Ni Mhaille (*hopes her ego doesn't implode with all the name mentioning😉. She has lifted the spirits and moral of our soldiers while carrying out the tedious administrative functions of MoD with great success. Not only that, the IDF has now almost doubled in size. I always said for many of my suggested innovations to work we would need more active soldiers, now we have an abundance. Please go here if you wish to read her closing message. I hope the new administration forces her to be MoD.

Quite frankly I am looking forward to observing the future of this great force. The possibilities are endless and I hope progress continues. Like with most entities in eRepublik cooperation between all participants is key. Intellect should be pooled together and innovations encouraged. For now, all I will say is: the future is bright for IDF.

*raises the flag*
Thank you for your attention and time,