A run for Congress

Day 642, 07:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by DillTheDog

Ahhh, London, heartbeat of the country, seat of our industry, powerhouse of our economy. Hello.

I have decided to stand as a candidate for Congress as a member of The Unity Party. In essence a little voice whispered, ‘Dill me lad, it’s time to run’.

When I first joined eRepublik, I was immediately struck by the many different ways in which I could get involved as a citizen. However, while a new player, I found many obstacles in the way of my enjoyment. With the benefit of hindsight, I can now say that some of them were necessary, and prevented me from making mistakes due to my inexperience. However, others seemed to be unnecessary obstacles to my enjoyment. It was difficult to find work. It was difficult to make ends meet. It was difficult to get together the essentials of eLife. Above all it was difficult to know exactly what was going on. I wanted to play, and things were stopping me playing...

As you will know, we are at war, and our alliance is doing pretty well, even though we have recently lost Canadian territory. In fact, that war is almost won, as one by one the main power blocs of our chosen enemies fall, or surrender. However, while we are winning the war, it is important to realise that we must also win the peace. Prices and wages have begun to spiral, and although they are not out of control, they are making life harder for new players. At the same time, recent successes in recruiting eFrench citizens show us that new blood is very necessary. But we also need the economic structure to allow it. This is my strong point, and is recognised by the fact I am Director of the Reserve Bank of the UK, and the economic issues are the reasons why I have eventually chosen to stand. To help create a strong economic basis to allow cheaper food, cheaper weapons, and healthier citizens.

I am a committed member of The Unity Party, but I am prepared, where necessary, to speak my own mind, and stand my ground in our arguments. The Unity Party likes it members to do this, to argue, to present the other side, to grow, hoping that policies become tested in the fire of debate, and policies we can stand behind with pride. The policies we produce are designed to make a real difference in the lives of our citizens. You can be part of this too – join us on the forums:


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