A Months Plans, & Issues

Day 1,530, 14:43 Published in Canada Canada by Sasha KammakitzJen

This is my first session in congress, and I have already cought on well. Here I will explain my plans up till Febuary 25.

I am the offical MDP policy developer for the 15th January- 15th Febuary session. I have already set out base plans for policy development in the MDP forums (home page here) under the policy section in party discussions. I hope to do as much policy development as possible. This will allow a more guided approach for MDP congress members.

As for my term in Congress, I hope to be able to get quickly to discussing solutions to issues, rather than debating the issue itself which I have already witnessed one time. This will be better for all effected by such issues as solutions should come faster. Even if solutions aren't faster it will still mean more efficency in congess as we would be addressing what we need to address, solutions.

Now is not the time to push MDP policy into congress & law. Such a time will come hopefully only in the following few months. However last presidential election and this presidential election the MDP has candidates. If we win & eCanada having a MDP president then things will go much quicker for the party with little extra effort needed. As for the country, things would improve drastically, assuming the MDP presdient is kept right by the party dictator & the inner sanctrum (in other words, there will be no problems).

On to the issues:
Currently in congress there is a big issue regarding immigration into eCanada. Citizenship requests are flooded with players with the reason of wanting citizenship only to buy buildings in the eCanadian economy. Such citizenship requests will not be considered. There are several players who have been accepted numerous times in the last few months only for this purpose. only requests from players planning to stay a considerable amount of time & intregrate into eCanadian life & contribute so to eCanadia, are considered for approval.
A more important issue however is the abusive behavoir of the congress members who exploit citizenship requests by asking for gold payment from the requestee to be accepted. Such a fee is not legal and the honest majority members of congress are doing all they can to expose congress members who take part in this illigal act. I myself have already exposed one other congress member, Rolo Tahmasee (see here). I have also suggested to set out a list of simple requirement needed for a citizenship request to be accepted in the congessional eCanada forums. So far no one has related back to that, I think either I was ignored or (more prefered) congress members are thinking themselves before saying what they think.

That's everything for now & I hope the topics for me to write about will only get better.