A look at how we do things - Construction

Day 824, 05:42 Published in Singapore Singapore by Tommy Aquinas

Hello, and welcome to the first edition of The Road Less Travelled, Singapore's newest citizen newspaper. From time to time, the paper will be publishing ideas, opinion and analysis of Singaporean life. Feel free to follow the advice of the picture above 🙂

As part of my efforts to get to know the country and how it works (thanks Atra for making me ambassador to Malaysia and South Africa!), I've been analysing the economy to see if we could discuss any ideas on how to help improve it. Particular attention should also be be paid to the upcoming changes in V2, and how we should prepare for them. They could be within the next month. I like studying economics in real life, and it's interesting seeing how those concepts meld with game mechanics.

Today lets focus on the construction industry.

Workers: Singapore currently has 21 active construction workers, just about enough to operate 1 construction company. This presents two issues to be solved.

1. The first is the lack of construction workers in our country meaning the country cannot currently support a bigger construction industry.

2. The second is that when the new version comes out there will be 4 construction jobs: carpenters, architects, project managers and builders. The re-customisation of our construction workers to the appropriate amount of each needed in each company will need to be co-ordinated.

Companies: We currently have one defence system company owned by a dead guy (which is useless), 0 hospital companies and 6 housing companies. Of these, 1 is active, 5 are inactive, 4 are for sale, and only 1 of them has a realistic sale price.

Raw materials: There are 4 ways of sourcing raw materials, in order of inefficiency:

1. Buy off domestic market
2. Buy off international supplier via black market donation
3. Buy off international market using org
4. Run personal raw materials company and supply the construction company

Our single operating housing company appears to purchase it's raw materials (wood, soon to be stone) off the black market.

New version changes to construction:

Carpenters build the roofs, architects make the layouts, builders make the walls and project managers make the logistics and project plans for hospitals and defence systems.

1. A house is made of a roof, layout and walls. The roof and layout influences health/happiness. Houses will now collapse and need to be re-purchased, because of the walls durability.
2. A hospital is made of a roof, walls and logistics. The roof will affect the citizens wellness. Hospitals will now collapse and need to be re-purchased, because of the walls durability.
3. A defence system is made of layout, walls and project plans. Project plans effects the area which it defends. The layout gives the defensive power. Defence systems will now collapse and need to be re-purchased, because of the walls durability.
4. Hospitals will only heal inside a certian area surrounding the hospital. This shouldnt be any problem for Singapore with its single region. Similiarly, defence systems only protect a certain area, so it shouldnt be a problem.
5. Wood will be changed to stone.
6. Based on discussions I have read in other countries, raw materials wont be based around high/medium regions anymore, but on how they are utilised. This would mean our wood/stone region could be used to better effect. Does any of our older citizens have contacts with the admins to find out is Singapore keeping, losing or gaining any of its raw materials regions?


This is what our current taxes for construction look like:

Ways to help our construction industry - Discuss:

1. Increase construction workers
2. Co-ordinate move from construction job to 4 construction jobs
3. Provide incentives for hospital/defence system companies to set up in Singapore
4. Encourage company/companies to improve their way of getting raw materials
5. Help prepare company/companies for the new version by discussing their options with them in order to get the best return for Singapore as a nation
6. As hospitals/defence systems/houses will now collapse, there will be a big increase in demand for them. Singapore needs a strategy both to take advantage of this by providing incentives for people to set up construction industries in Singapore, but more importantly, ensure Singapore has a proper supply of those products.

Potential ways to prepare for the new version in construction:

1. Lowering of income tax for hospitals and defence systems to the lowest in the world (not sure what that is) and lowering of income tax for housing to a competetive rate with the rest of the world.

2. Take another look at the import tax for houses. Unless our construction industry expands, supply from our one housing company will not be able to meet demand as houses will now collapse.

3. Worldwide advertising or article campaign promoting Singapore as the new place to base construction industries, and for construction workers to move to Singapore, based on our raw material region, our potential as a blank canvas and the possibility of low low taxes.

4. As Singapore only has one region, we should contact hospital/defence system companies around the world, trying to seek a company that will specialise in products with low points in project plans/logistics, as we only have one region. Therefore, we should be able to source hospitals with good durability (wall points).

5. A new minstry or giving responsibility to a minister to help with all of the above.

This is a lot longer than I thought. I hope you read it all the way through 🙂

Tommy Aquinas
Singaporean citizen