A little housekeeping

Day 480, 09:41 Published in USA USA by Tiacha

Hello, all. I have a few announcements. I’ll divide each subject into sections to make it easier for you to read.
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Federalist Party President Election
As current Federalist Party Vice President, I’ve had the pleasure of serving under Alby for the past two months. Under his reign, we’ve almost reached 80 members. We’ve also in the past month, gained 4 Congress members and as a party, we are finally a true voice in Congress.

Gaius Julius has been an important part of our success. He’s organized our Congressional election efforts which have ensured the Federalist caucus being a powerful voice in Congress. As party president, he would continue to lead our party to further success. I fully endorse Gaius Julius as Federalist Party President and ask all Federalists to vote for him tomorrow.
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On Uncle Sam's Impeachment Vote, the War in Mexico, and governmental reform in times of war
I have voted for Uncle Sam’s impeachment as a vote of No Confidence in his leadership ability. Even though this measure has failed, I believe my act to be symbolic.

Uncle Sam has lead us into war on false pretences. Uncle Sam led us into war, and I quote from an article entitled “Weekend Hangover, An Evaluation” that the US entered the war in Mexico for “We initially got involved for a couple reasons, the first of which was to give the USA a chance to expand and begin its military growth. The second was so that we could free Mexico of their rouge Polish congress.” I only voted Yes to War on Mexico to protect US from the threat of PEACE infiltrating the Mexican Congress. Once the Congress left, it was my belief that Sam would stop the war. He did not. He not only did not stop the war, but, he continued to waste tax payer money on his strategic blunders. I voted yes on moving funds from the treasury to Ft. Knox because I believed it would fund the war effort. The money was, however, spent on trying to appease the UK and Atlantis in a donation of 100 gold to the UK without Congressional approval. Also, many people in the military, particularly the National Guard were not only left without orders, but left without weapons. There was so much mass confusion from the QMG and other military branches that it was obvious that we were going to fail in our war efforts. The biggest example of American failure in the War on Mexico was the confusion on which side to fight for in the Resistance War in Oaxaca. This is truly unacceptable.

That is why I am calling for a eUS War Powers Act. This is an effort to create a system to inform Congress where US tax payer dollars are going once war is declared. It is also an effort to keep Congress informed of actions by the military. While some of the efforts are still being hammered out in Congress, it is my hope that once the Governmental Oversight committee is established, a bill will be drafted and brought before Congress. I also hope to work with military officials to draft a bill that will not compromise the confidentiality of military plans, while assuring that tax payer dollars are accounted for. I’d also like to credit Inwegen (USWP- WA) for his efforts on this bill. Hopefully, with this act, we can establish guidelines for communication between Executive, Congress, and the military during times of war.
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New Jersey Voting Record
PANEC- Weapons
Bill #- 3414
My vote: No, Passed 31-15
Rationale: Especially in times of war, PANEC has caused weapon prices to jump to astronomic levels. With the government not giving weapons to the people to fight, many Americans have been forced to fight with bare fists due to PANEC.

PANEC- Moving Tickets
Bill #- 3470
My vote: No, Passed 32-16
Rationale: I will stand firm against PANEC. Americans have suffered a heavy tax burden.

Donate- 29233 GRD to Ft. Knox
Bill #- 3527
My vote, Yes, Passed 48-2
Rationale: This was to move foreign currency to an organization where it could be transferred to Gold to help the war effort.

PANEC- Houses
Bill #- 3529
My vote, No, Passed 34-16
Rationale: See above reasons for voting against PANEC.

Bill #- 3562
My vote: No, Passed 38-11
Rationale: See above reasons for voting against PANEC.

Donate- 1117 CHF to Ft. Knox
Bill #- 3565
My vote, Yes, Passed 48-2
Rationale: See above reason for donation of foreign currencies.

Peace proposal- Portugal
Bill #- 3604
My vote, No, Failed 13-34
Rationale: This was a test proposal by Uncle Sam to test a bug. It failed for that reason.

PANEC- Hospitals
Bill #-3605
My vote, No, Passed 33-13
Rationale: See above reasons for voting against PANEC. Also, there are very little people in the hospital industry because of the inability to sell their product and the high cost of production. By raising the income tax on Hospitals, we’re only a making a dead industry even more dead. Also, the US needs more than one Q5 hospital. By raising the income tax on hospitals, we’re only increasing the amount of time it takes us to get another hospital, thus increasing the threat of other countries trying to take Florida.

Donate- 1308 IEP to Ft. Knox
Bill #- 3607
My vote, Yes, Passed 47-1
Rationale: See above reason for donation of foreign currencies.

PANEC- Defense Systems
Bill #- 3636
My vote, No, Passed 31-17
Rationale: See above reasons for voting against PANEC. Again, this is another dying industry due to the perceived uselessness of DSs. But, by increasing the income tax, we are harming all construction workers looking for a job.

Donate- 495 HRK to Ft. Knox
Bill #- 3637
My vote, Yes, Passed 46-1
Rationale: See above reason for donation of foreign currencies.

Donate- 80000 USD to Ft. Knox
Bill #- 3702
My vote, Yes, Passed 44-4
Rationale: I was lead to believe that this money would be funding the war effort. But please see my explanation on fund transparency for more information.

Peace Proposal- Portugal
Bill #- 3705
My vote, Yes, Passed 43-5
Rationale: This was a vote for an attempt with peace with Portugal. Unfortunately, they went back on their word.

DS for Massachusetts- Q4
Bill #- 3711
My vote, Yes, Passed 44-8
Rationale: It is important to the national security of our nation that each state have a DS. I’ve promised to vote for one major DS or Hospital bill a month. This was it.

Donate- 460 RUB to Ft. Knox
Bill #- 3755
My vote, Yes, Passed 47-3
Rationale: See above reason for donation of foreign currencies.

Donate- 60000 USD to Ft. Knox
Bill #- 3861
My vote, Yes, Passed 43-2
Rationale: I was lead to believe that this money would be funding the war effort. But please see my explanation on fund transparency for more information.

MPP- Finland
Bill #- 3862
My vote, Yes, Passed 40-7
Rationale: MPPs are always useful when our nation is attacked.

Donate- 606 GOLD to Ft. Knox
Bill #- 3892
My vote, Yes, Passed 48-2
Rationale: I was lead to believe that this money would be funding the war effort. But please see my explanation on fund transparency for more information.

MPP- Canada
Bill #- 3918
My vote, Yes, Passed 48-1
Rationale: MPPs are always useful when our nation is attacked.

Presidential Impeachment
Bill #- 3952
My Vote, Yes, Failed 23-24
Rationale: See longer explanation above. Sam essentially failed in his efforts to communicate where tax payer money was going. He didn’t inform Congress that a sum of 100 Gold would be paid to the UK to appease ATLANTIS. He didn’t tell citizens, particularly the National Guard orders for the war and that they wouldn’t be supplied. These failures of communication lead me to vote YES to impeachment as a vote of No confidence in Uncle Sam.

MPP- Sweden
Bill #- 3964
My vote, Yes, Pending, Current vote 45-0
Rationale: MPPs are always useful when our nation is attacked.

MPP- Spain
Bill #- 3985
My vote, Yes, Pending, Current vote 30-0
Rationale: MPPs are always useful when our nation is attacked.