Poll: Rate your Congress

Day 480, 09:29 Published in USA USA by Gilroy

With the failed impeachment of Uncle Sam, I feel like we need to give our Congress a rating.
Many may say that Uncle Sam has screwed up but nobody has really talked about whether the Congress has screwed up.

I have created a survey that I want everyone to fill out.
Here is the link:

Here is my take on the questions.

How would rate your Congress overall?

5. The Congress passed the PANEC taxes which I am not in favor of that' why I am giving them a rating of five.

Congress Transparency

3. We have had terrible voting record turn-out and the SoH hasn't been publishing any of them in game yet.

Congress policies

7. We haven't had any big decisions to make lately except the Impeachment. However, you haven't been hearing me complaining that much lately so things must be going good( except for that whole war thing)

Who do you think has been the best Congressman?
Who do you think has been the worst Congressman?

Abstain from both since I am member of Congress.

Which Party has been the best as a whole?

The Federalists. We vote together on most of the laws and our views have been very consistent.

I strongly encourage everyone to take this survey and I will be publishing results in a few days.