A Few Words...

Day 896, 20:32 Published in Germany United Kingdom by Elisa Vorimberg

I haven't been active at all lately, but from these few articles I have seen, I would like to say a few things.

I am writing in response to this exchange, between Yasmin and tmv23.

While I am honored that somehow my daily mofa articles have become the example of a perfect mofa, I feel that perhaps these expectations have been exaggerated a bit.

The way those articles started, was that I came up with the idea to do that. Since I always made an assessment for my own use of the current events in the world, I could type that up, add a map and make it look all pretty for others to read. MatchGeil seemed enthusiastic, so I gave it a try.
I never expected them to become that popular.
Very quickly, with the amount of time I could give to erepublik quickly becoming less and less, my entire job as mofa became writing those articles. It took anywhere from 1-2 hours a day to write them, which is all the time I could possibly give to erepublik.
Eventually this fell apart, it was just too difficult for me to maintain that.

Instead of forcing every future mofa to do that... I feel that it is better to think of it as an extraordinary example of unusual dedication. Not something to demand of everyone.
Please realize, how truly privileged you were to get those articles. Only 2 or 3 other countries have that, everyone else has to read it from the foreign media or figure it out from the international events.

Realistically, you have to have one person who's entire job is to write if you want daily mofa articles. Given the apparently high demand for communication and transparency, perhaps adding this position to the cabinet would be a wise idea.

I am not going to endorse a candidate, I honestly can't remember who is running against tmv23, I should probably find that out... Whatever that's not the point.
The point is that tmv23 is a valid candidate, I think everyone is being very unfair to him.

Hope these quick thoughts bring a little more perspective...