A Bold Statement: A Letter to Friends

Day 506, 22:32 Published in USA USA by Panther
I owe you Texas [Part 1]

Dear citizens of Texas,

I’m sorry I haven’t been in such contact as I had wished and hope for. I have been active in the forums, and have read most, if not all the topics relating to this country, and its well being. I haven’t once missed a vote, and have made the responsible and wise choice to represent you, for what you voted.

I never got a chance to thank you, and it may be far too late to receive one, but I thank you for electing me into congress. Though I was the replacement for a very strong and active citizen for our country, I have tried to step up to the plate, and represent Texas like former Congressmen NoneSuch.

I had intended on messaging every citizen of the great state of Texas, and asking them to fill out a sheet, it would have been optional, but with the results from the elections, out of the 270 people I messaged, which were able to vote, only 78 citizens voted. This was quite a weak turnout, and I had hoped for better.

Once again Texas, I’m sorry, and I thank you for the chance to be your congressmen.

I owe you Texas [Part 2]
I thought it would be wise, to give you a list of every proposal since the 25th that I have voted on.

Voting Record – March 25, 2009 --> April 9, 2009
Minimum Wage - NO
Donate - YES
Issue Money - YES
Tax Change: Wood - NO
Alliance - YES
Minimum Wage - NO
Alliance - YES
Minimum Wage - NO
Donate - YES
Alliance - YES
Donate - YES
Alliance - YES
Issue Money - YES
Donate - YES
Donate - YES
Tax Change: Gifts - NO
Issue Money – YES
Alliance - YES
Donate - YES
Donate - YES
Buy Constructions: Defense System - YES
Alliance - YES
Tax Change: Food - NO
Donate - NO
Minimum Wage - NO
President Impeachment - NO
New Citizen Fee - NO

A Fairwell to Friends ~ USWP

History on Panther

I joined eRepublik back in August 2008. I was a noob, as every player is, and was. I learned the knack of the game pretty quickly, and began to develop a strong liking for this social networking game. It came time to where I had to choose a party, and I believed the USWP was the way to go, my calling if you will. I slowly become involved in the party, with the help of McGivey, and then dropped from the face of eRepublik. I had RL issues to tend to, and became a two clicker from October into November. When V1 came out, I was outraged, but it brought back my activity. I ran for Congress in November, and lost by a vote. This helped to inspire my activity, bringing me to higher levels of activity, which helped to fuel my interest in the game.

December into January was when things started to change, I became more active within the party, and within eUSA. Though I had no major role in the USWP, I felt that I was wanted, and respected. I again, ran for congress, losing for the second time to incumbent, Iduffee12. I continued to twitter in the game, and ran for congress, in which I said would be my last time. I ended up winning those congressional elections, North Dakota had now been under my representation, and I did my very best to do them well.

More Recent Times

I was elected into Congress, for my second time in Texas, under the USWP banner. I was appointed to PAC Director by Party President ProggyPop, before the March 25th Congressional Elections. Though I believe I did do a poor job, the USWP got the majority once again. I helped to create a Presidential Campaign for Scrabman and Moishe, which was only partly initiated. This brings me to my point.


The party activity in the USWP has been either flat or on a very slow decline, and with the removal of the mass PM, it makes it hard for large parties such as the USWP to operate. Though the activity of the party isn’t a major reason on why I am resigning, I think it is good to point out. I want to allow for a new flow of members, strong and developing to join the USWP, and get the experience as I did. It was a great experience, and it will forever be a part of my history on eRepublik.

My Future, and Thanks

My Future is unknown to me, but what whatever will happen will be after this congressional term ends. I have thought about leaving eUSA, which is becoming more likely everyday. I will probably end up in South America, hoping to create a strong nation, a respectable future Ally with eUSA.

I would like to thank the whole entire EB, you guys have given great support, even when I have had major spouts of anger, and doubt. To you I am indebted, and I wish to remain friends with you all. You have given me the opportunity of my eLife, and I am so thankful. Thank you guys for everything you have done.

I also want to thank the general members of the USWP. Remember this, without you guys, this party would be nothing, so I give you thanks for sticking through some of the hardest times the party has had, and give hope to the rising stars.

Thanks for reading my Big Ol’ Wall of Text.
